Sunday, May 31, 2009

Saint Jude Patron Saint of Desperate Cases and Lost Cases

St Jude is considered the Patron Saint of Lost Cases and Desperate Causes Situation in the Catholic religion. St Jude is depicted wearing a green robe which symbolizes life and Hope, as well as a flame above his head were he received the Holy Spirit after Pentecost.

Often time he is depicted with a club, axe or carpenters rulers, the axe or a similar item because this is the weapon that was used to kill him.

The Calendar of Saints is way that the Catholic Church associates one or several Saints with the days of year. These day associated with the saints are called Feast Day, the Feast Day for St Jude is October 28th. Often times local churches will festival and special masses around these date to pay tribute to the Saint on that day.

Legend tells us that he spread the words of the Gospel in Judea, Samaria, Idumaea, Syria, Mesopotamia, and Lybia. Later in life he returned to Jerusalem around the year 62, and aided the election of his brother, St. Simeon, as Bishop of Jerusalem. We know that St Jude was born Jewish in Paneas, and that his mother and father opted into Christianity. His father Clopas is said to have been murder for his devotion and outspoken ways towards Christianity.

St Jude at the Last Supper with Jesus and is said to have asked Jesus why he did not reveal himself to the world after his resurrection. A devoted Apostle that is said to have traveled to Iran, Beirut and Edessa carry the word and message of Jesus. St. Jude Thaddaues is some time confused for Jude Iscariot who betrayed Jesus to Roman.

Iscariot contacts the Chief Priest and ask what will you give me if I deliver him to you? And so legend tells is that he sold Jesus to the Romans and assist them in the crucifixion.

It is important to understand and know the distinction between the two Judes because St Jude Thaddaeus played a very important and positive part as an Apostle. St Jude Thaddaeus mother was the Virgin Marys cousin and therefore there is a direct connection with Jesus.

In you most desperate situation, when you find yourself completely lost St. Jude is the saint you direct yourself to. He is the Patron Saint of Desperate Cases and lost Causes therefore you evoke prayers and offering to him to assist you in moment of need.

One way to initiate prayers to St Jude is to begin a Novena. A Novena is a prayer that you repeat for nine continuous days and ask for assistance or relief with your suffering. You can also use a prayer book, a Rosary or a 3 day candle.

For More Detailed Information please visit

Lue Amil

Soft Stucco Stucco Damage

Living For and Through Jesus

In today's busy - and primarily technological - society, you probably realize that living for and through Jesus now takes on a whole new meaning. Millions of people around the world spend the majority of their time online, which means there's less time to read (printed materials, that is), attend social gatherings such as church meetings and Bible classes, spend time with family, etc. But thankfully, there are many reliable online Christian resources to help you further your walk with Christ even if you're on a very limited time schedule.

Following the wonderful experience of salvation, God expects us to continue growth as Christians, through Bible reading and teaching, prayer, and love for one another. But as Christians in a world of fast-paced living and technology, what are we to do? You can discover a world of biblical help on the Web...and most of it free of charge! If you love to read Web pages, you can go online and search for Christian novels and spiritual help literature, Christian commentaries focused on Bible teaching and study, Christian poetry, and more. You can even find preaching sermons in audio files or transcribed that you can download to your computer or iPod, or even listen to right there on the Web.

The key to benefiting from online Christian resources is to find websites owned by persons or contributors you can trust. Without trust, you may find yourself reading materials that do not line up with your beliefs in God (or Jesus) for salvation or sanctification. One of the responsibilities of being a Christian is to search the scriptures diligently and to cross-examine every message, commentary, book or other resource using your trusted Holy Bible. You must make sure the website operates under the same beliefs and values you hold dear, or you may end up being confused or discouraged as a child of God.

More Online Benefits for Christians

Another great benefit of being online today is you can find great movies and documentaries about Christians or that portray Christian values. Teach your children about Jesus and his great love using DVD resources or find wonderful, clean entertainment for your family. The Web offers resources such as movie reviews from a Christian perspective so you can easily find entertaining venues for your entire family.

There are also various designs of Christian marketing products for your church or organization. You can find great designs that quote praise-based scriptures from the Psalms or encouraging scriptures from I John, Colossians and Hebrews. Items such as t-shirts, caps, totes, coffee mugs, etc. can help you get the Gospel message across to numbers of people and spread the Word everywhere you travel.

When surfing the Web, remember that living for and through Jesus now is possible no matter where you are in life or how busy you are each day. Online Christian literature and resources can help you keep that hope of Jesus' return alive in your heart while helping you reach out to others over the Web or in your local community. Don't fret if you live a hectic lifestyle....take a breather to read about Jesus daily, including the Bible and teachings about his Word to deepen your love for God!

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web. Learn more about Living for and Through Jesus.

Plaster Wall Moisture Problem

Separation of Church and State? Says Who?

Excerpts from fellowship about the real Jesus and the role of Christians in society today:

If you understood that Yeshua is the I AM - He not only had the Canaanites destroyed for their pagan religious practices, He sent Israel and Judah into captivity for refusing to follow His biblical religion and as Yeshua drove out of "My Father's House" the moneychangers with a whip in His hand! Certainly that was met with raised eyebrows and shaking of heads, not to mention FEAR! Yes, fear religion!

And anybody who is a Christian who dares to deny that Christ will rule, as necessary with a ROD OF IRON, enforcing PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH, simply is either in denial or woefully ignorant of the biblical King of Kings and Lord of Lords who will soon reign on Earth from Jerusalem with TOUGH LOVE!

You're talking Old Testament.

I'm talking the Law and the Prophets that Yeshua upheld and will enforce when He reigns perfectly from Jerusalem with TOUGH LOVE, giving different strokes for different folks.

Notice that God hasn't ordered the execution of anyone since Jesus walked the earth.

Yes, He has, time and again through the Law and the Prophets that haven't been made null and void by the tender mercies of our God, the Sermon on the Mount, except for those who are truly repentant as we can best determine with the help of God. Why do you think it is written about the ministers of State: "He bears not the SWORD in vain?" And that such ministers of state are to enforce the Law of God, serving as the vengeance of God? Romans 13 shows God has ordered the execution and other forms of punishment upon lawbreakers since Christ, since His Word remains true and hasn't changed or been altered to accommodate fickle men and fleeting societies.

Jesus never told us to establish any form of government on earth. He clearly taught that His kingdom was not of this earth. If He wanted a government here now, He would have made one here, now. We, as disciples, are not called to rule here or even govern here.

Now you sound like the traditional Worldwide Church of God and those groups who have forsaken it in droves since the Great Apostasy after the death of Herbert W. Armstrong, concerning avoiding politics, shirking your responsibilities, your civic DUTIES, failing to render to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's, and by such woeful neglect and sinful negligence, have forfeited the reigns of government to the wicked and then cry about how awful things are! "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." I submit they're not such good men or they would do something!

Yeshua revealed HIS Kingdom of God-Beings, the ruling Kingdom-Family of God administering the Law of God, is yet future, that's true, of which He will be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. However, as the I AM, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, He has established an earthly kingdom called Israel and Judah today, our family of nations - the Anglo-Saxon and white peoples of Northwestern Europe with our Jewish brethren. And to us, which includes those called to be Christians now: "REMEMBER THE LAW OF MOSES MY SERVANT WITH THE STATUTES AND JUDGMENTS" (Malachi 4:4).

God calls upon our Israelite family of nations to RESTORE HIS LAW AND ORDER, and we'll receive blessing to the degree we love and obey and He will bless our NATIONAL EFFORTS that reflect national repentance, learning to go by God's Word as LAW, trusting in His wisdom, rather than leaning to our own understanding with all our different political parties of men. We must recognize we are suffering national curses for national disobedience and repent and avert further national disasters (Daniel 9:11). God will draw near to us as we draw near to Him. God's Kingdom on Earth has always been through the physical descendants of Jacob-Israel, and we're to be a TYPE of the future Kingdom of God-Beings that will reign over us as we reign over other nations.

We are called to be Christ on earth. To show others by our example, who He is. Would Jesus have advocated war? How about slaughter?

Yes, we are called to reflect Christ on Earth, and our NATION is called to reflect GOD on Earth, as a "Light to all nations," a MODEL NATION for others to follow, seeing our sound mindedness and wisdom, peace and prosperity from following God's heavenly law here on Earth.

Christ would certainly advocate war, if and whenever necessary, without hesitation, as revealed in the Law and the Prophets, the Law of Moses that our peoples and professing Christians have forgotten to our confusion and shame! Onward Christian Soldiers!

This is where groups like the KKK confuse the heck out of me. They obviously don't know Christ. If they did, they'd know that He'd never treat another human the way they do.

I don't know a single member of the KKK and from personal experience know how a group's beliefs can be misrepresented by hysterical mobs. If the KKK is biblical on this or that, I support them on this or that. Where they're not biblical, I would say so and not offer support but call upon them to change.

The racist NAACP obviously doesn't know Christ or they wouldn't judge everything falsely by the color of someone's skin rather than the content of character (while ignoring national issues that are biblically based on ethnicity), and they wouldn't hold people down and under and back so they can keep their self-important positions they've prostituted themselves for at the expense of their own people whom they've sold down the river, listening to the siren calls of the race hucksters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, both of whom should move to Africa and lead the way and create opportunities for others to follow. I would support them expressing such creativity in action instead of always cursing the real or imagined darkness rather than lighting a candle.

So many people claim to be followers of Jesus, then turn right around and go against His teachings. Jesus taught us to turn the cheek, love our enemy, bring peace and love to the sick and hurting. Deliver others of demons and heal the sick. I see none of this in our government body and I see very, very little of this in the corporate church body.

God's one government has two branches. Jesus was talking to individuals (Sermon the Mount) and He was talking to the NATION (10 Commandments/Law of Moses) when He revealed how we are to live. So many people claim to be followers of Jesus, then turn right around and go against His teachings. He said to expel sworn enemies from our Land; to execute various criminals and cleanse the Land, to wage war, if and whenever necessary, and not to show the mercy of fools to nations or individuals who hate our guts and would slit our throats their first opportunity. We're to love our neighbor as ourselves, not more than ourselves.

Yeshua said to be "wise as serpents and innocent as doves." He was referring to an ATTITUDE, a willingness to go the extra mile, out of our way, but not indefinitely! If we take all of Yeshua's teaching on any given subject, rather than twist His teachings into some hippy pacifism, you'll see there's a time and a place, which is why He could act so violent and knock over tables and chairs and drive both men and animals from the Temple with a WHIP IN HIS HAND!

Certainly doesn't fit the traditional false image, does it? His harsh words against the religious leaders of His day certainly weren't smooth and pleasant to listen to, especially if you were on the receiving end of His verbal attacks! And when He reigns, He will rule with a ROD OF IRON and rebuke some nations, punish others and even destroy some.

Folks would do well to not try to tell the REAL JESUS about His teachings or to remember His Sermon on the Mount! Jesus will perfectly exercise the Law of Moses tempered by the Sermon on the Mount, as divine wisdom calls for, and we're called to whatever extent we're offered in this life to do the same, whether it's in the home, office, pulpit or political position. That's why our kings, our rulers, are commanded by God to read and study His Word daily that it may be the LAW OF THE LAND, and they can be humbled by realizing they're merely human instruments of God's grace, God's rod and staff.

David Ben-Ariel, a Christian-Zionist writer and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall, shares a special focus on the Middle East, reflected in hard-hitting articles that help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Check out the Beyond Babylon blog.

Beam Damage Under Deck

It's Not Cool to Worry

In our world today their is allot to be concerned about. Things like terrorism, crime, racism; or how about taxes, inflation and job loss. Truly we have allot we could be worried about. But I've found out that in order to function in life and overcome the obstacles we face, we need to give our cares,worries and frustrations to someone else. Someone stronger than us. We tend to lean and depend on our spouses or family and friends and that's awesome, but this support system can only take us so far and that's it. I've found on my journey that I really need a relationship with someone who's able to handle my worries and concerns that I face in my daily life. And that person is Jesus Christ.

I've found that through my relationship with Jesus I've been able to overcome some problems that would have taken me out of here if I had not have known Him. The bible says in 1st Peter 5:7 that we should cast all of our cares upon God because He cares for us and that includes worrying. When you worry you sin, and when you sin you miss the mark of God. Worrying about things can have a adverse affect on our body and it's ability to function properly. When improper stress enters the body it breaks down the body's immune system and causes us to become sick. Free radical cells come in when the body's immune system is weak, and worrying and stress help weaken your body's defense system.

To combat this we need to change a few things in our lives. First, we need to change our outlook on life. Start seeing the glass as half full instead of half empty. You can always find something positive in a negative situation. Second, fill your mind with good positive and wholesome materials such as: the bible, positive inspirational music, uplifting reading materials like books and magazines and most importantly prayer. Tell God your problems. He will listen and no one else will know about it, and because you pray you will find yourself at ease with what you thought was a problem.

So don't allow life to get you so uptight. Just do the best you can with what you have and give the rest to God through Jesus Christ. And you will find that life isn't that bad when the right person has your back. You think about that, God bless.

Linoleum Floor Water Damage

Creation Versus Evolution - Gods Ultimate Power

You rarely hear the word evolution among scientists anymore and creation seems to be too far-fetched for any educated person to make sense out of. How the world started and where the universe came from has been one of the secrets that even the most educated people on the planet seem to have problem solving.

Creation states that God created the world in seven days. Evolution states that man has evolved from apes. Anyone could make sense out of both of them and with that in mind, we could tear each one of them apart with very little effort. It's hard to imagine modern man believes in either one of them but there are millions of people who do. Christians, Hindus, Judaism and of course the Nation of Islam.

How could we ever prove that God created the earth? I guess if someone invented a time machine, we could go back in the past and watch these events taking place but how would we know for sure, this is actually what we were seeing and would we be able to tell the difference between an illusion and the truth. If you choose to base your review of creation entirely on faith, I have some oceanfront property in Utah I would like to show you.

Evolution doesn't seem to fare much better than creation when it comes to proving scientifically that it's true. A hundred years ago, some of our greatest teachers were convinced that evolution could very easily replace the theory of creation. Nowadays it almost seems like something from our past, something like Greek mythology. At one time people on this planet believed in Greek and Roman gods but they are kind of a joke, while religions like Christianity seem to be gaining more ground.

Evolution is missing more than one link, they're missing links that link the other links together. The theory that our world was created by God makes more sense to me than the theory of evolution. However, if there was a God or being so powerful, why wouldn't this supreme entity intervene on our planet and eliminate hunger.

It's hard to imagine that either one of these theories are entirely true but at the same time each one of these theories could be stepping stones on our ladder of education towards the truth. I'm sure that one day we will know the truth but for now I will choose not to endorse either one of them 100%.

More Spiritual Ideas

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Damaged Stucco Corner

Dangerous Reactions to God's Truth

Christians who preach and adhere to the biblical doctrine of Christ are facing ever increasing danger for refusal to compromise their belief in God's word in exchange for a favorable reputation of being well liked. Nevertheless, those who believe and accept all of God's word are assured of the truth that the apostle Paul put forth when he said, "For do I now persuade men or God, or do I see to please men? For if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ" (KJV, Galatians 1:10).

The Old and New Testaments of the Bible clearly illustrate the danger of sharing the full gospel of Jesus which proclaims both the mercy and severity of the Lord and his commandment to all men to repent (Matthew 4:17). Realizing the safety risks involved with an unwavering stance on the truths of the Bible doesn't deter the dedicated believer from proclaiming the gospel, but it should deter them from underestimating the ferocity that can be stirred in those with the spirit of rebellion.

The fourth chapter of the book of Luke recounts a time when Jesus went into the synagogue on the sabbath. The scripture says he was given the book of Esaias to read aloud which he did. The passage he read spoke of himself and is recorded in verse eighteen. He read, "The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. He hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord."

Such words were soothing to the ears of those who listened attentively. Verse twenty-two says that the audience, "...Wondered at the gracious words that proceeded out of his (Jesus) mouth." However, when the very same Jesus began to remind them of truth they didn't want to hear, they became so enraged that they sought to murder the Savior that day. Luke 4:25-29 records that Jesus said, "But I tell you of a truth, many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, when great famine was throughout all the land. But unto none of them was Elias sent, save unto Sarepta, a city of Sidon, unto a woman that was a widow. And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Eliseus the prophet, and none of them was cleansed, saving Naaman the Syrian. And all they in the synagogue, when they heard these things, were filled with wrath. And rose up and thrust him out of the city and led him unto the brow of the hill whereon their city was built, that they might cast him down headlong."

The same truth would have been well received by many Gentiles, however, they've been angered by other truths that caused no anger in Israel. Serious Bible students would do well to understand that when it comes to preaching the gospel in all the world, it's not a matter of the specific truth that angers a select group of people, but rather the fact that truth, in and of itself, often incites fury.

Thought-provoking Christian articles at: Heavenly Manna.

Missing Attic Insulation

All About Renewable Energy Sources & Their Effectiveness

Renewable energy is an energy generated from the natural sources. It includes wind, solar, tides and geothermal energy. This kind of energy is pollutant free and environmental friendly. The rapid decline of non renewable energies like petroleum, coal and natural gas have made us look for better energy sources. The renewable energy is fast growing industry with an investment capital of over $100 billion in 2006. There are different kinds of renewable energies. This article gives a brief idea of each of the resources.

Wind energy

Wind energy can be used to run the turbines to produce electricity. Their lots of wind farms located over the world to generate electricity up to 5MW. The output of the turbine depends on the speed of the wind, the higher the speed the more the electricity that is produced. So these windmills are set up in those places with high wind speed like mountain tops or sea coasts.

Water power

Energy from the water can be derived in many ways. They are through salinity gradient, kinetic energy of water, temperature difference. The moving water in the river is used to rotate turbines to produce electricity. These can be done by constructing hydro electric dams. Water is made to fall from a height at a high pressure to give a high kinetic energy.

Solar energy

Solar energy is the energy produced from the sun. The rays of the sun are made to fall on solar panel to generate electricity. The output of the power depends on the amount of sunlight concentration and the composition of the solar panel. This energy is growing at high pace becoming popular with lot of households. The energy of the sun can be used to heat water in the homes using solar water heater or even cook food with solar cooker.

Did you know that you can easily start using renewable energy sources yourself? Simply build your own windmill or solar panels, and you are done! Click here for step-by-step instructions and more info.

Hole Drilled Through Footing

Energy Vending Machines

The energy vending market has exploded over the last couple of years. Before vending machines used to sell gumballs and candy, now they are selling energy chews, energy mints, and energy shots. The energy market is bringing in so much money that there are now business opportunity companies selling gumball machines and saying they are worth $600 each because they sell there newest energy product. I think it would be better if you went to an online retailer of gumball machines, buy the machine for $39 instead of $600 and than put the product in that vending machine. Your return on investment would be so much faster. Its understandable if the energy vending machine is an exclusive machine made to sell the specific energy product but what I have found with a few of these companies is a plain gumball machine with a gumball wheel inside of it. The product usually isn't round so you have to put each on of them into a special capsule. Try to put 4000 energy mints into 4000 round 1 inch capsules. That is gonna be a chore.

If you search on Google under vending machines you will find many different kinds to choose from. You need to do your homework and make sure that you are paying a fair price. There are tons of gumball machine manufacturers, such as T.Pico International, Seaga Manufacturing, LYPC, Oak, and many more. They all sell gumball machines at very fair prices.

On the other hand there are energy vending machines where you do need a special made machine to vend your energy product. Energy chews are very popular these days. Instead of putting them in a gumball machine and needing to fill up capsules, there is a special unique vending machine that was made. All you need to do is place the square chew in the vending machine, no capsules necessary. Than there is the energy shot. This product is one of the fastest growing products in the whole energy market. At first it was only able to be sold over the counter. Mad Dog Energy has designed a vending machine that sells energy shots exclusively, making it a breeze to place them into any size office and retail establishments without a cashier.

The energy vending market is exploding. If you choose to be a part of the energy vending machine market, make the right choice. Stay away from gumball machines that need special capsules to sell your product. As we all know plastic is not a good thing in our environment and you will need plenty of it to sell some of these products out of gumball machines. The last thing you want to hear in a good location is , get this vending machine out of here because it is making my location a mess with all these empty capsules. Do your homework and start of with vending machines that are made for energy products.

Vend123 is America's number 1 vending machine community.

Long Stucco Crack

Home Appliances, Select Them on Price Or Energy Efficiency?

For many people, price is the most important consideration when buying appliances. What they forget, however, is that there are two prices for anything which consumes power, the buying price and the running price. Buying appliances with energy efficiency in mind may cost more up front but save you money in the long run.

Most modern appliances like refrigerators and washing machines carry a label indicating their energy efficiency. Products which use the least amount of power are qualified to use the "Energy Star" label. This is a government backed program aimed at providing consumers and businesses information about saving energy.

In order to be labeled energy efficient, a product must meet certain criteria. For example, refrigerators must use 15% less electricity than the minimum standard set by the federal government. Office equipment must automatically switch to a low-power sleep mode after a certain period of inactivity.

Almost every major appliance such as air conditioners, freezers, furnaces, and pool heaters qualify for the Energy Star label. Buying an Energy Star product will save you money on your utility bills and will be better for the environment. Using less electricity in the home means less fossil fuel consumed by power producing plants, and less greenhouse gas emissions.

Will an energy efficient product save you money? Absolutely! Each product has a label which says how much energy it consumes. You can use this information to figure out exactly how much power you will save over the life span of the appliance. Factor in rising energy costs and your savings are even more.

The energy efficiency of any product is dependent on the engineering of the various parts that use power. For example, an air conditioner has a circulation pump, a fan, and a motor to turn the blades, as well as electronic components for controlling the temperature. Each one of these can be designed to save energy, so the overall energy efficiency is affected by the quality of these components.

Some local governments offer incentives for people to buy energy efficient products. Be sure to get informed - you may qualify for rebates or low interest loans to purchase these items.

Hans is author of and writes practical tips on energy conservation

Roof Repairs

Renewable Energy - It's Our Future

Renewable Energy it's Our Future Saving energy and it's links to topics like green house gases and global warming. Indications show we are aware of the problem that faces all of us and most of us would like to save energy, money and the environment. Fears of fossil fuel and their effects from there usage on our environment is a very real fear. Renewable energy must be used for the future of our planet and our children, and mankind itself. a few small steps has been made in the right direction regarding these issues. Solar energy is a very positive approach to the global warming problem as with wind generated energy and many other environmentally friendly energy generation systems which will enable us to lessen the effects and use of fossil fuels in our environment.

Change must be made and all of us must be willing to do our part for that change to occur. Legislation should be made to promote advancement and use in solar, wind and hydro power. Government as well as big business and their share holders must see that making money with their high profits and large management salaries are not helping in the progress for this to happen. Advancement is design and mass production in solar panels is needed to bring their cost down for the average person to afford. Electrical energy feed back into the power grid and refunds paid by a fair price.

This will enable house owners to save money and the cost of living will go down, in some cases earn refunds for excess energy provided to the power company. At present rivers and damns are running dry, droughts, loss of food crops and live stock all add to the cost of the cost of living for all of us today. Now we must act each and every one of us to get our government to act. Sea water could be used to help drought ravaged areas. Just these small steps will bring down the cost of food, fuel and our living. So what are you waiting for?

Mick Purcell Renewable Energy Resource Right Here!

Energy Saving

Damaged Ceiling Paint

How to Make DIY a Solar Panel

If you are interested to know how you can make diy solar panels, you have arrived at the right place. Here we will discuss the preparation and material required for making diy solar panels. Once you make a diy solar panel, you can use them for converting solar energy to the electrical energy. These diy solar panels are essentially required for making a solar cell and therefore you should correctly make these panels so that highest efficiency of the final solar electricity generator is achieved.

First of all for getting the highest efficiency, you will need to select the right place and it can be either your backyard or your roof or garden. You will need to set these diy solar panels there and at such angle so that they get the maximum solar energy falling on roof or backyard. The smaller units are known photovoltaic cells and you will need to stack these cells one after another horizontally.

Although you will easily get diy solar panel in the market and if you want to make these for your residential use, you will have to purchase the following material from the market. These are easily available in electric stores and you can get all the items within $200.

1. Copper sheet
2. Two alligator copper clip leads
3. An electric stove
4. Wide mouth plastic or glass container
5. A multimeter for reading current in the range up to 15/20 microampere.
6. Accessories including scissors, sand paper, salt, water and sand paper.

You will need an easily available DIY (Do It Yourself) guide so that you can make diy solar panel from the material as mentioned above.

Earth4Energy is Such a guide. Once you go through earth4energy, you can easily assemble panels. Once your diy solar panels are ready, you will start getting solar energy of sun getting converted to electricity through these assemblies and thus will be saving huge amount per month, which would have otherwise been paid as electricity bill. Check out Earth4Energy Review

Sump Pump Damage

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Ways To Make Your Kitchen More Energy Efficient And Save Money

a) Kitchen Appliances
Install energy efficient labelled kitchen appliances (refrigerators, dishwashers, and clothes washers). Every kitchen appliance has two price tags a purchase price and the operating cost. Energy efficient models will save you money and use less energy.

b) Lighting
- Install energy efficient labelled lighting (e.g., light fixtures: suspended lights, ceiling-mounted lights, cabinet lights, recessed lights, and compact fluorescent bulbs).

c) Refrigerator
- In most households, the refrigerator is the single biggest energy consuming kitchen appliance. Energy efficient refrigerator models use high efficiency compressors, improved insulation, and more precise temperature and defrost mechanisms to improve energy efficiency. Energy efficient refrigerators provide energy savings without sacrificing the features you want.

- Keep your refrigerator and freezer filled for most economical operation. Less cold air is lost when the door is opened in a filled refrigerator because the food helps retain the cold.

- Allow foods to partially cool before placing them in the refrigerator. It takes more energy to cool hot food. For added savings, cover foods and liquids. The moisture that is released by uncovered containers increases energy use during the refrigerator's defrost cycle.

- Select a refrigerator with a freezer on top. A side-by side unit uses up to 20 percent more energy. The Energy Guide label will help you choose the most efficient model.

d) Oven
- Don't open the oven door to take a peek at what's cooking inside. Instead, turn on the oven light and check the cooking status through the oven window. Opening the oven door lowers the temperature inside - by as much as 25 degrees - which increases cooking time and wastes energy.

-As long as your oven is on, cook several items at the same time. Just make sure you leave enough room for the heat to circulate around each item.

- In an electric oven, you can turn the heat off several minutes before your food is fully cooked. As long as the oven door remains closed, enough heat will be stored inside to finish cooking your meal.

e) Dishwasher
- Let your dishes air dry. A dishwasher uses more energy to dry dishes than to wash them. If your dishwasher doesn't have an automatic air-dry switch, turn off the control knob after the final rinse and prop the door open to let moisture escape.

- When purchasing a dishwasher, look for energy saving features such as a short wash cycle. Shorter washing cycles, with fewer rinses, save water and water-heating energy.

- Use your dishwasher only for full loads. Be sure your dishwasher is full, but not overloaded when you turn it on. Improper loading can result in poorly cleaned dishes that need to be rewashed.

- Install your dishwasher away from your refrigerator. The dishwasher's heat and moisture make the refrigerator work harder. Keep your refrigerator away from other heat sources such as direct sunlight.

f) Kitchen Walls, Windows and Doors
- If your remodelling plans include opening walls you could improve your comfort and the energy efficiency of your home by adding insulation and air sealing. If you are replacing the windows, doors, and skylights, install those with the energy efficient label to make your kitchen the most energy efficient on the block.

Chileshe Mwape writes for the Kitchen Appliances website at: and for a number of other websites including where you can find a wide selection of cast iron appliances.

Pour Girder To Post Connection

The Power Within (Fission & Fusion)

My father drove up to our house back in 1968 in a brand new Volkswagen "Bug". I was only 11 years old at the time and I actually liked it mainly because we were the only one in the neighborhood who owned such a strange looking car. My parents liked it because it got about 30 miles a gallon which really didn't mean much to me at the time, but it managed to get us around many miles on very little fuel.

Fast forward to the year 2006, now I own a German motorcycle that gets almost 50 mpg on the highway. But, at the same time, I own a Japanese SUV that only gets about 17 mpg, Most of my recreational driving is inside the SUV, so I admit that I play my part when it comes to using fossil fuel.

The USA government and my current home state of California have come up with some innovative ideas and economic incentives on saving energy cost. These include tax credits and rebates for purchasing Hybrid automobiles, Solar Panels, energy efficient appliances, etc. etc. These are all outstanding ideas and really help give the consumer a little incentive to reduce energy consumption. But, I personally don't think they go far enough.

I think it's time we invest in a project similar in scale to the "Manhattan Project" that took place from 1942 through 1946. This project was one of the most costly federal projects and it produced the first atomic weapons. The cost of the project was about 20 billion in today's dollars. It gathered the brightest and most creative scientists with a common goal of building an atomic weapon. The scientific community worked day and night to develop something that must be developed before the Germans or Japanese during the war. They succeeded because they had almost unlimited funding to experiment and discover what worked and what did not. They stayed focused on their goals and never lost sight of the importance of the project.

I believe that we need to fund a "Manhattan Project, Part II" and it should have the following goals:

  1. Fusion Power Partnership... Fusion Power has captured the imagination of the world scientific community with the possibility of developing an almost unlimited amount of clean energy. Fusion power is only in the developmental stage today. The research for using Fusion Power has many hurdles before it becomes reality. The International Community has a joint project to develop the first fusion reactor. The ITER (International Thermonuclear Reactor) is a joint effort and the United States joined the group in 2003. The funding level from the USA is less than 500 million for the last three years. I believe this is just a drop in the bucket and it needs to be increased ten fold if it is spent wisely. If this project is a success, it will result in a clean source of unlimited power that will revolutionize how we produce power on this planet. The only by product of this reactor is helium which is harmless.
  2. Fission Power Modernization... The United States has been producing power from Fission (Nuclear) Powered Reactors for the last sixty years. Until we get Fusion power online, we need to begin building new Fission reactors using modern "Passive-Safe Reactor" technology. The newly developed passive-safe reactors are designed from the ground up to prevent accidental meltdown due to lack of coolant or coolant flow. The old power plants relied on multiple valves, electronic sensors and human operators who monitor the reactor. The process is highly automated, but the operators can manually override it if needed. This has resulted in a couple widely publicized disasters in the USA and Russia. The new "Passive-Safe Reactors" are inherently safe since they use gravity and convection to prevent the reactors from going critical in an emergency. They are designed to shut down without relying on a wide array of pumps, valves and or human input. For this reason, we should aggressively begin to modernize our older generation of Fission Reactors. In addition, we need to begin expanding our Fission Power plants.
  3. Incentives... I believe that incentives are the key to success. No one wants a Fission Reactor built in their state. For this reason, the government should step in to make it very attractive to those who live in the state in which it is built. The tax payers should receive a tax break or incentive for allowing the plant to be built. I also think the current federal tax incentives that promote the use of energy efficient cars and personal renewable sources of power should be doubled and made permanent.

In conclusion, I know that Fission Power is safe in the hands of well trained people. I spent 4 years and three months living on top eight nuclear reactors inside the USS Enterprise during my tour of duty. The United States Navy powers all of their aircraft carriers and submarines with Fission power and they do it safely. The new "Passive-Safe Reactors" take safety to a new level. I believe that by expanding our Fission power generation along with aggressive funding of the ITER (International Thermonuclear Reactor) using safe fusion power, we will have a bright future for our planet and expanding economy. I hope you have enjoyed the article and pass it along to your friends.

Rusting Heaters

4 Ways in Which You Can Make Money From Green Renewable Energy

Going green can be economical. Just because you're helping to save the environment and provide a better future for everyone, who says you can't be rewarded in other ways. If you were curious about the powers of green renewable energy to save you money, consider these 4 ways in which you can save and make money by going green.

Power Bills - This one is obvious. The average homeowner spends $2500 annually on their monthly power bills alone. That's a lot of money which could be better spent elsewhere. Using do it yourself guides, you can easily build your own solar cells or windmill to harness the green renewable energy of the sun or wind, respectively and use that to power your home instead of relying on the power company. People who do this live off the grid, and they save themselves a fortune by doing it.

Abundance of Electricity - When you use solar cells and windmills to harness green renewable energy, you're converting that free energy into usable natural electricity. When you produce more than you use in a given month, you're not only eliminating your power bill, you're also creating an abundance of natural electricity. Now you can hold onto this electricity for yourself, or you can sell it back to the power company for a tidy profit. Many people make a decent living from this each year, especially those who live in choice regions for green renewable energy, such as along the coast for harnessing wind or anyone with extra unused land. It's really up to you as to how much natural electricity you produce and the possibilities are endless.

Tax Cuts - The government is incredibly lenient on those homeowners who use green renewable energy and live off the grid, as well. So much so that they offer decent tax cuts to those who do it and don't contribute to the energy crisis, but help to alleviate it.

Self Employed - Using the do it yourself guides discussed in the first section, you can easily build your own windmills and solar cells, with the learning curve being so easy that even a child could do it. Odds are, you're not the only person interested in these money saving tips. You'll find that many people out there are interested or curious about using green renewable energy, but don't know how. Many people take the information they learn in their do it yourself guide and go on to build solar cells and windmills for those who are interested in paying them. Keep in mind it costs over $3000 to have them professionally installed, so people are willing to spend good money to own and use these tools.

If you're interested in making money from green renewable energy, visit for reviews on the leading do it yourself guides and start saving yourself an annual fortune today.

Door Fill In With Damage

Tight Writing - Literary Fat Reduction

It is a rare thing to find someone capable of writing tight copy. The primary reason is tight writing falls is more dependant on your editing skills than your 'first draft' writing skills.

What is tight writing?

When you write in compact sentences using simple words without redundancies you are writing a 'tight' article.

The excess words are sometimes called 'fluff' and should be avoided.

An example of fluff

Brenda rode her bicycle all the way to the park. Her bike was one of these old style banana seat bikes that her mother rode when she was girl and had a whip antenna on the back with an orange triangle at the top. She had made the decision to right to the park after watching a program at school on the benefits of exercise, which of course was something that Brenda found herself very concerned about since she learned about the health risks of being a couch potato.

An example of tight writing

Brenda made the decision to ride her bike to the park. She made a firm promise to become healthy and fit after watching a program at school.

This may not be a perfect example, but the idea behind tight writing is to cut the fat. This involves the removal of redundant and nonessential language. In the above example the description of the bike had nothing to do with Brenda's commitment to good health so it was easy to cut.

If you read through your writing with a laser-beam focus you will find words and phrases that are unacceptable. These words have little to do with the advancement of your story or the point you are trying to make.

Many writers add fluff to their work to enhance word count, but an editor will recognize fluff and may ask for a copy revision. They may also lay your work aside looking for something a bit leaner.

Tight Writing Pinpoints

One of the most successful pre-writing tools is the use of an outline to identify where the story is headed.

You shouldn't worry about tight writing while working through your first draft.

In editing nothing is sacred, every word and phrase should be tested and reduced or removed as needed.

There numerous tricks to tight writing, but the best is that if your sentence is more than ten words it may be too long.

Always consider revisions, working to shorten and clarify.

Less really is more in writing.

Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur. He is the founder of FaithWriters and many other web projects. FaithWriters has grown to become one of the largest online destinations for Christian writers and Christian authors FaithWriters is a great place for writing jobs

Stop Lying Today

Spiritual Humor In Religion - Read This It's Funny

Well you probably heard of the problems that some people get into when they drink a little too much and start to drive their cars. This is known as drinking and driving irresponsibly and can be hazardous to your health but more hazardous to your pocketbook. Overdosing on drugs, spending too much money shopping, gambling excessively and last but not least, spending too much time at your place of worship can be hazardous to others. Over time, our loved ones seem to suffer the most from our excesses.

I suggest most people use religion responsibly and try not to overindulge in the excesses of your spiritual practice. Like an alcoholic drinking until they feel good, only to wake up feeling bad the next morning. And then starting the process all over the next day.

Now for the big question, "Are You a Religiousoholic?" Do you spend too much time at church? Do you surround yourself exclusively with people that share your same religious beliefs?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, there's a good chance you're a religiousoholic. Like alcoholics and drug addicts, there is help for you, once you've identified your problem, we can help. We call it our 5 step program. Alcoholics Anonymous has a 12 step program for recovery but we have eliminated a couple and rearranged others in hopes for a faster recovery.

Religionolism is no laughing matter and should be handled with the utmost delicacy. Start with the first step and work your way down the list and within a short period of time you should find yourself free from the religious tyranny of your institutionalized religion.

Step 1. The biggest problem you're going to happen during your recovery will be the temptation from religious followers, wanting you to come back. Like a drug addict, saying no to drugs,it's hard, you're going to have to be strong here. Learn to say no to organized religion and yes to religious freedom.

Step 2. Instead of reading Scripture, start reading about other religions around the world. You will find some weird things and new ideas, but the bottom line here is that you'll be able to see some similarities, and silliness between the religions.

Step 3. You can still spend time praying, just spend more time praying about how grateful you are, instead of praying for something you want, start spending a little more time thanking God for the things in your lives that you already have. I have spent a lot of time praying for things I never got. When I stopped praying for the things, I thought I needed, I started getting the things I really needed.

Step 4. Start spending a little more time believing in yourself, some religions seem to give all the glory and credit to their gods and very little to the people that are actually making the sacrifices. I have also noticed that when something goes wrong, some religious followers tend to punish themselves and it just doesn't seem fair. God gets all the credit when things are good and you blame yourself when things go wrong.

Step 5. Start showing a little more compassion towards people who don't think the same as you do or believe in your religion. Love and compassion are the true acts of a religious believer. I believe you'll find that in every religious scripture... somewhere.

Sometimes we get a little carried away in our beliefs and tend to beat up other people who don't share them with us. If you're part of a religion who discriminates, shows intolerance, bigotry or prejudice to other nonbelievers, maybe this isn't the religion you think it should be.

Dalai Lama - "All major religious traditions carry basically the same message, that is love, compassion and forgiveness, the important thing is they should be part of our daily lives."

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. If we could communicate better and understand different religious philosophy and cultures.

Just how big of a deal is Money Organized Religion. Your money is used for various things and some of them, you might not really want to spend the money on. Something to think about.

If you want to read something funny and get your daily laugh in, you need to read this, it's funny Using Religion Responsibility. It's based on overindulgence.

Life Lessons About Paying Rent

Is the Bible Repulsive or True - Movie Video

Can you believe this guy, if you look up these verses in the Bible, you will see that there and there, but how did he come up with these ideas about the Sabbath, teenagers and the fact that the Bible is repulsive.

If you're really seeking the kingdom of heaven, the glory of God and the true vision that Jesus had, check out some great Christian articles . These articles are designed to teach and educate Christians.

Hypnotic Writing
Game Of Life And How To Play

How Adam and Eve Reflect the Kingdom of God

"Let us make man in our image." Such a Scripture does not support the trinity, but it does support the plain truth that the Word was God and the Word was with God, two Beings with the one sacred name of God/Elohim (John 1:1-2). "In the Beginning was the WORD (Logos/Spokesman/Revelatory Thought), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God." This clearly reveals, to objective readers, TWO Beings who shared the ONE family name of GOD. (Ephes. 3:15). God created all things through Yeshua/Jesus who was the Word (Ephes. 3:9).

When the Word became flesh He was "God with us" and thereby became the "Son" and the One who remained in Heaven thereby became the "Father." They had coexisted eternally in a SHARED GLORY (John 8:42, 7:5, 8, 16:27-28). We can either accept or reject Yeshua's revelation of the UNKNOWN FATHER FIGURE whom mankind has never heard or seen. The Word who became Yeshua is the Divine Being who dealt with ancient Israel. They didn't know the Father and most still don't today, and they can't unless the Son reveals Him (John 5:37, 6:44,46, 8:54-55).

And we can either accept or reject Yeshua's explanation/interpretation of what "one" means: unity/united. He said the Father was in Him and He was in the Father (through the Holy Spirit and unity of mind and purpose) and He prayed for the Church of God to express and exhibit that exact same unity and oneness by the Holy Spirit (John 14:11, 15:4, 17:11, 21, 23). Please check out these Scripture references and see that it is so. One Holy Spirit of UNITY AND DIVINE PURPOSE (I Cor. 12:12-20).

The Scripture says "Let us make man in our image," and it says "ELOHIM (not YHVH) made man in His image." It's saying the Word and God made man "in OUR image" and, that as ONE GOD FAMILY UNIT/KINGDOM, the united God made man in HIS image. It elaborates, for our sakes, by also saying Elohim created MAN in His image...MALE and FEMALE created He THEM" (Gen. 1:27).

So there's a reverse of the singular and the plural, man/them and our/His. This "mystery" is further revealed when it's written in Gen. 5:1-2: "In the day that Elohim (Gods) created man, in the likeness of God made He HIM; male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name ADAM." The ONE ADAM FAMILY then had a son, Seth, in "his (Adam's) own likeness, after his image" (Gen. 5:3).

Does this exclude Eve? Wasn't Seth also in her human likeness and image? Yes. For conclusive proof that God PURPOSELY inserted all this into the Genesis account to REVEAL to us later about the ONE GOD FAMILY/KINGDOM, the apostle Paul preaches: "For we [Christians] are members of his [Yeshua's] Body, of his flesh, and of his bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined to his wife, and they TWO shall be ONE FLESH. This is a GREAT MYSTERY: but I speak concerning Christ and the Church" (Ephes. 5:30-32).

That's how the ONE GOD FAMILY (Elohim with the Father Supreme and the Son gladly subject to His authority - 1 Cor. 15:28) can be and is presently composed of two God-Beings, and is in the conversion process of "bringing MANY SONS TO GLORY" (Heb. 2:10) since Christ was the "FIRSTBORN OF MANY BRETHREN" (Rom. 8:29). Jesus was the PROTOTYPE of a new genus: the Kingdom of God!

It's illustrated that even as MANKIND has shared in Adam's earthy image, we're soon to share in the HEAVENLY image of the Second Adam when we're born again of the Holy Spirit (John 3:3,6 4:24), with righteous character and composition! Mankind after the Godkind! And all through the ONE SPIRIT of God that unites us.

"Christ in you, the hope of glory" (Colossians 1:27), "who shall change our vile body that it may be FASHIONED/CREATED like unto His GLORIOUS BODY" (Philip. 3:21), "for we know that when He shall appear, WE SHALL BE LIKE HIM" (1 John 3:2) - we are not going to be dogs or cats, or even angels, we are to be heavenly beings, HOLY SPIRIT-COMPOSED, born again GOD-BEINGS in the one divine family unit/Elohim!

We are presently members of MANkind, huMAN, in the ADAMic Family unit (Gen. 5:2), but God promises we'll soon be changed in the twinkling of an eye, miraculously transformed, and join the HEAVENLY SPIRIT/GOD FAMILY.

We've clearly seen how "two" can be "one" whether in the God Family or in the Adam family. It's right there in the Bible if we'll just believe what we see and read. It's the plain truth of the Bible for those willing to believe what God has revealed.

Those who reject the testimony of the Scriptures (to hang on to vain traditions of men, whether trinity or oneness) are unable to explain what we're to become. Why have we received the down payment/earnest of the Spirit? (Ephes. 1:13-14). What conversion process are we in? (2 Cor.3:18). What are we being converted to if not into the character and composition of the Holy Spirit?

God is spirit. We must be born again of the SPIRIT. Yeshua is the FIRSTBORN of many brethren (Rom. 8:29). We're presently partakers of the DIVINE nature (2 Pet. 1:4). God is our Father, Yeshua is our elder Brother - a family relationship. We're in Adam's human/earthy image now; we're to be in the Second Adam's spiritual/heavenly/divine image soon.

God is reproducing Himself! That's what the conversion process is all about: God became man so man could become God. Mankind was created after the Godkind so after a life of conversion and purification, we can be resurrected to GLORY and share the glory of the Father and Son as born-again sons of God (Elohim).

Again, what are we to become? How can you strive to enter the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Gods (Elohim), leaving the human kingdom behind, if you refuse to accept the awesome potential God (Elohim) offers? Take receiving the Holy Spirit and being born again of the Holy Spirit to its logical/biblical end/fulfillment.

When we're glorified God-Beings, worshipping our Supreme Father God in His Kingdom (I Cor. 15:28), just like Yeshua will submit to the Father as all in all, we'll be immortal Priest-Kings (Rev. 5:10, 20:6), and God will be the "God of Gods" (Ps. 97:7, 136:2). Christ is the King of Kings (we're those kings), and the Lord of Lords (we're those lords), and the Father is God of Gods (we're those Gods/Elohim) - (Micah 4:5).

We either accept Yeshua's revelation of the UNKNOWN FATHER and His eternal coexistence with Him, and His work as Creator, as the Word, under the supervision of the Father, or we must reject the New Testament.

The Jews know Yeshua's claims and don't water them down to fit their religion. They reject His revelation for now, like most of traditional Christianity, but both Houses of Israel (Anglo-Saxons, Western Europeans and Jews as taught by Brit-Am Israel) will get over this stumbling block and soon embrace our transcendent calling to become literal members of the Heavenly Family of Gods (Elohim), higher than the animals and angels (Heb. 2:9-10).

We don't call God the Father for nothing, or do we? We're to be the literal children of God, the Children of the Resurrection (Luke 20:36).

David Ben-Ariel is a Christian-Zionist writer in Ohio and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall With a focus on the Middle East and Jerusalem, his analytical articles help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Check out the Beyond Babylon blog

Book Of Life

God Speaks Prophetically About Todd Bentley

I am the same God of Moses. I am the Father of nations and if you are a Christian I am your eternal Father. My church it seems is in the wilderness with only a partial anointing of My Spirit. Signs and wonders are not commonplace in the West. So many voices cry out in unbelief.

So many negative voices speak about Todd Bentley, so many people in unbelief rise up in judgment of MY outpouring in Florida. So many people making a name for themselves with what they write about Him.

I delight in Todd and I send my angels to his crusades and my Holy Spirit turns up with power and with the anointing. And yes he has tattoos and he says "Bam" when he lays hands on people. So many people are saying negative things about him and he is my son coming with power.

Nothing has changed. There were mockers of Moses and mockers of John the Baptist and mockers of My Son Jesus. In each generation there are Pharisees people with a form of the religion of Christ, but denying the power of the gospel.

Isn't it enough that I heal through Todd's gift? Does he have to provide doctors letters to confirm healings have taken place? What does he have to do to silence the critics?

He can do nothing!

The mockers will always exist. Ever willing to speak bad of a person that my anointing rests on. You'll remember my Son said to "beware when all men speak well of you."

I am the God of Todd Bentley and He is my anointed healer. He isn't healing in his own name and most of the time he isn't even laying hands of people for them to be healed, My Holy Spirit is healing them.

You can mock my anointed healer. In years to come there are going to be even more weirder prophets and healing evangelists.

Have you ever wanted to see a clairvoyant but the Bible forbids it? Did you know that there are people in churches with a gift of prophecy that can get a message off God for you? You can ask questions of them and they can take the questions to God for you. Eighty percent of the church don't use these people as they don't think the gift of prophecy exists anymore but the people that do use them get tremendously blessed.If you are not a Christian just say that in your email and the prophet will be more sensitive to you. Come and request a free personal prophecy today at

Followers Or Leaders

Understanding Bible Prophecies From The Old Testament

With so many things going on in this world today, we feel that
the Bible has no connections at all in present time. This
article will explain, and reveal to you that the Bible The Word
Of The Living God, has more to do with our time, more than ever
before. In the first three chapters of Genesis, it shows how
Adam and Eve, were taken out of the Garden due to sin, and taken
away from the Holy presence of God. The good news is that the
book of Revelation has the keys that will unlock Heavens gates,
and enter us Back into paradise, where we will be able to live
with Jesus the Son of God, and the King of Kings Forever, and

However, a lot of us today do not understand the book of
Revelations, and we then translate it into our own
interpretation. 2 Peter 1:20 clearly says that "Knowing this
first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private

So if it is not of private interpretation then how can I as an
individual understand Bible Prophecy?
1. Before Opening The Bible always say a word of prayer, and ask
the Lord to provide you with wisdom, and understanding.
In James 1:5 it says that "If any of you lack wisdom, let him
ask of God, and it shall be given him." So how do you know that you
will be given the wisdom that you have prayed for? Numbers 23:19
says that "God is not a man, that he should lie."
2. Search the Scriptures. "Search the scriptures; for in them ye
think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of
me." John 5:39 In this scripture Jesus admonishes us to search
the scriptures because the scriptures testify of Him Jesus
Christ, the Lamb of God. The one that has died for our sins.

To understand the Prophecies of Revelation. We must first have
a background. To obtain that background we must have a
knowledge of the Old Testament. There are a lot of people that
says that the Old Testament has nothing to do with the New
Testament. If you do not understand the Old Testament then you
will never understand the New. There are 404 verses found in
the book Of Revelation. Out of the 404 verses of the book, 278
verses refer to other stories, and prophecies in the Old
Testament. The Old Testament is a platform for the first coming
of Jesus. It sets the stage, and gives us examples of things
that would happen to Jesus when He comes, in the New Testament.

In the Old Testament we will review two stories, and then refer
to them in the New Testament, and how they related to the Life
of Jesus.

First we will review the story of Joseph. Joseph was one of 12
brothers. (Gen. 37:9 & Gen. 42:13) Joseph had his robe taken
away from him, he was placed into a pit by his brothers where he did
not have any food or water. Joseph was then sold for the price
of slave.(Gen. 37:28) After he was sold, his brothers took his
coat, and dipped it into blood.(Gen. 37:32) Even though Joseph
went through this ordeal he still came out alive. What Joseph,
and his brothers did not know was that God had a greater plan in
store for them. God later used Joseph to save his family during the
time of famine in the land of Egypt.

Now we will review the Life of Jesus, in the New Testament, and
see how it relates to the story of Joseph in the Old Testament.

Jesus had 12 disciples. (Matt. 11:1) Judas sold Jesus
for the price of a slave, or 30 pieces of silver. (Matt. 27:3)
Once Jesus was in the hands of the Chief Priests and Pilate, He
was beaten and his clothes were taken away from him, which was
splattered with his own blood. (Matt. 27:31) Before Jesus died
he prayed for those who crucified him, and said "Father Forgive
them for they no not what they have done." (Luke 23:32)
God too had a plan for Jesus. He came to save the world
From sin.

Here in these two stories you will see that the prophecy was
predicted in the life Of Joseph, and was fulfilled in the life
Of Jesus Christ.

Some similarities that are found here are:

1. Both Joseph, and Jesus were sold as a slave.

2. Both, had their garments taken away from them.

3. Both forgave those who had sinned against them.

The Second Story that we will review is of Abraham, and Isaac.
Isaac was a special child because Abraham's wife Sarah could not
have children, and in their old age God Blessed Abraham, and Sarah
with a son, Isaac. (Gen. 21:3) God, testing Abrahams faith, and
told him to sacrifice his only son on the alter, as a burnt
offering. (Gen. 22:2) Isaac, then carried the wood on his back
for the alter. (Gen. 22:6) When they reached the mountain that
the Lord had specified, Abraham, then made an alter, and tied
Isaac to it. When he was ready to slay his son, he heard a
Angels voice from heaven saying "Abraham, Abraham Do not lay a
hand upon that lad, and do not do anything to him. (Gen.22: 9 -
12) With thanksgiving, and praise, Abraham, lifted his eyes,
and saw a ram caught in a thicket by his horns. Abraham took
the ram, and offered it up as a burnt offering instead of his
son. (Gen. 22:13)

Now we will compare the story of Abraham, and Isaac to the Story
of Jesus, and God the Father. As Isaac had to carry the wood to
the alter, so did Jesus carry wood, He carried the Cross.
When Jesus died, he had a crown of thorns upon his head. (Matt.

This story of Abraham, and Isaac is one of Importance. God knew
that one day He too have to offer his Son as a sacrifice, a
ransom, to pay for the price of sin. "For God so loved the
world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever
believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
John 3:16 I cannot even begin to imagine the pain that God the
Father felt for his son dying on the cross. "But all this was
done, that the scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled."
Matt. 26:56

All I can say is what a loving God we serve! He looked beyond
All selfishness, and gave his only son for the sins of mankind.

So as you can see here with the two examples, I have given, a
knowledge of the Old Testament is needed to open the stories or
keys of the New Testament. If you are trying to understand
Bible Prophecy then you will need to have a background.

I Pray that everyone that reads this article will be Blessed in
the Name of Jesus!

Remember That God Loves You, And So Do I!

Let Everything That Has Breath Praise The Lord!
To Learn More About the Bible Sign Up For Free Bible Studies Here
Keisha Seaton is the owner of My Articles Directory

Neil Donald Walsch

A Biography of Samuel Beckett

Samuel Beckett was born on Good Friday, April 13, 1906 in Dublin. He studied French, Italian and English at Trinity College, Dublin from 1923 to 1927. In 1928 he moved to Paris to take up the post of English lecturer in the Ecole Normale Superieure.

A mutual friend introduced him to James Joyce and he worked as his secretary, in 1929 Beckett published his first work which was a defence of Joyce's work and method. In 1930 he returned to Trinity as a lecturer, however citing habit and routine as a 'cancer of time', he quit his post and set out on a nomadic trawl across Europe, finally settling in Europe.

He joined the French Resistance after the 1940 occupation by Germany, in August 1942 his unit was betrayed to the Gestapo, Beckett and Suzanne Dechevaux-Dumesnil. In 1945, Beckett returned to Dublin for a brief visit, during his visit he had a revelation in which his entire future literary direction appeared to him, he documented this in his 1958 play Krapp's Last Tape.

He returned to Paris and began his most prolific period as a writer. In the five years that followed he wrote Eleutheria, Waiting for Godot, Endgame, the novels Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnamable and Mercier et Camier, two books of short stories and a book of criticism. He married Suzanne in 1961 in a secret civil ceremony in England and he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1969. He died in Paris in 1989.

Russell Shortt is a travel consultant with Exploring Ireland, the leading specialists in customised, private escorted tours, escorted coach tours and independent self drive tours of Ireland. Article source:

Governments Through History

Friday, May 29, 2009

Pursuing God at Whose Expense - End of the World Believers

I know a husband and a wife who have been pursuing God with an unbelievable passion, but at the same time they're destroying their family and lifetime friendships. These people can no longer be reasoned with and will only send us information about the end of the world or their passionate religious beliefs. You're probably wondering if there are Hindus or Muslims, maybe they're Hare Krishna's or Buddhists, wrong they are hard-core fundamentalist Christians who don't understand fundamentalism.

Vince Lombardi, the legendary coach for the Green Bay Packers, told his football players, that he was going to start with the fundamentals of football and as he began to hold up a football, he simply made the statement "This Is a Football". I often think of that when having one-sided conversations with extreme religious fanatics. With Christians, I often feel like holding up the Bible and telling them "Let's Start with the Fundamentals, This Is the Holy Bible."

Do you think you would know if you are pursuing God at the expense of your family? How would you know the difference, if you're being supported by people within your religion. These people are constantly telling you, the things that you want to hear. That you're right and others are wrong, don't listen to the wicked or you will become one of them, or the infamous statement of conversion, we must do what we can, when we can to show others the way.

Here's where the problem starts to become a nightmare. These people can't tell the difference between belief and truth anymore. People can be made to believe, anything they choose to believe in. These people are great examples of the last statement. I still am in contact with this family but have watched the destruction from a distance. The children are no longer with the parents and are in foster care, part of the problem is their religious beliefs. A few days ago, we received a video in the mail on the end times. I couldn't make much sense out of this video and like some other Christian videos that I have seen, yet creates fear and biblical prophecy from ordinary daily events.

You can look back through history and the end of the world has been just around the corner for almost 2500 years. People have been preaching the doom and gloom for centuries. I pulled a verse out of the Bible and if you could make sense out of it, I would love to hear how.

Daniel 12:1 The End Times 1 "At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people-everyone whose name is found written in the book-will be delivered.

It looks like we will know when it's coming, because it states that nothing like it has happened yet. When I read this statement, it doesn't make crystal clear sense and is quite vague. Maybe I'll write another article on how many ways this one verse can be interpreted.

Choosing Your Religion

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a spiritual help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Spiritual People I Admire

Get Your Goals Going With 7 Proven Steps

Are you tired of your dreams being just wishful thinking or unattainable fantasies? One major difference between a dreamer and a successful person is the ability to achieve goals. The dreamer just dreams while the successful person puts their dreams into action. Goals are the blueprint to making your dreams a reality.

Get your goals going by following these 7 proven steps:

1. Determine your goals. Establishing clear goals lay the foundation of ultimately achieving them. Put your goals on paper. Be specific. When dreams are too vague, establishing goals becomes difficult. Have a clear vision of what you want the result to be. Ask yourself, "What do I really want?" Determining what goals you really want to accomplish will make the steps to achieving them easier to define.

2. Make a Commitment. You must give 100% to seeing your goals all the way through. Adopt a no excuses approach. Be honest with yourself. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to achieve your goals? Are you willing to devote your time, energy, and finances if necessary? Are you ready to make sacrifices? Is your dream worth fighting for? If the desire is strong enough, you will be able to stay on track and let nothing derail you. There is no need to move forward until you can commit.

3. Plan of Action. Now that your goals are clear, you must begin to put them in motion. Develop a plan of action- specific steps that lead to accomplishing your goals. It is amazing how many people stop at just determining their goals. Success is about doing, it is about action. Really focus on your goals one at a time and ask yourself, "What actions do I need to do to accomplish it?" Identify the outcome you want, and decide what steps are needed to move forward.

4. Give Yourself Deadlines. Look at your plan of action and determine at least 3 weekly tasks that will bring you closer to achieving each of your goals. If your goal is to lose 25 lbs. in 6 months, your action tasks could be to join a gym, make an appointment with a nutritionist, and remove all junk food from kitchen. Choose your deadline and stick to it- no excuses, no matter what. You must determine tasks and deadlines on a weekly basis. You can also consider what you want to accomplish in a year, 6 months, and 1 month to help establish your weekly tasks.

5. Get prepared for roadblocks. Once you are on the road to success, you can expect some bumps along the way. It will happen, so you might as well get prepared. What has stopped you before? Chances are those same obstacles will try to stop you again. Learn ways to blast the barriers that keep you from your dreams. Turn negative thoughts into positive ones, surround yourself with supportive people, don't just quit if you can't finish a task, read at the library if you are too distracted at home. Do whatever it takes to keep you on your mission. Always remember your best protection is to keep your eye on the prize. When discouragement comes, close your eyes and visualize achieving your goal. Take it a step further and really feel that moment of victory.

6. Get support. There is nothing like the support of a trusted friend who is willing to help you. They can keep you on track to achieving your goals. They will hold you accountable and ask you how you are doing with your weekly tasks. Knowing that you have to "check-in" with someone is a huge motivator. Go over your goals, plan of action, and weekly tasks with them. You can also do activities together. Determine and agree on how best they can help you. They will be your cheerleader- always rooting for you to win. Establish some time with them at least once a week. Let your friend know where you are and what needs to be achieved for the week. Share with them any successes and disappointments along the way.

7. Celebrate the small victories. It is easy to be discouraged when it takes time to achieve your goals. Experience the beauty and victory in accomplishing all the smaller tasks that lead to your ultimate desire. Celebrating the small successes is a great way to remain motivated and inspired.

You will get your goals going by following these 7 proven steps. Momentum is powerful. Goal setting is one of the most effective tools to transforming your life. So take the necessary action now and make your goals come true today. There is nothing as rewarding, exhilarating, and satisfying as seeing your goals become a reality.

Now get those goals going!

Allyson Spellman- "The Breakthrough Muse" is a life coach and an expert on breakthroughs to success that motivate and inspire individuals worldwide. Her proven techniques for elevating personal and professional achievement refresh, recharge, and renew the way one can achieve greatness, no matter what! To receive her free special report visit

Persistence Or Failure In Goals

Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Culmination Of Pagan Practices

Christmas Is The Most Celebrated Holiday In Christianity. Some Consider It The Most Holy Day Of The Year.

The exaltation of Christmas is in itself a travesty. Most historians, and Christian scholars know that Jesus was not born on December 25th. They realize that his birth date was probably in the fall. This is backed up by circumstances surrounding Jesus birth.

People knowingly follow a false date set aside to exalt Jesus. Not only is the date a fraud, but also so are the practices. Many manmade traditions have been mixed in with the worship of God. This is like mixing dung with balsam.

The majority of the activities associated with Christmas have no relationship to Jesus. Sure there is an adopted religious (paganish) Nativity scene about Christ. But there are many more adopted pagan customs that are totally unrelated.

Christmas originated in Rome in the 4th century. The tradition came after the Council of Nicaea met in 325 C.E. For kingdom unification, the Council adopted the idea that Jesus was God. Christmas was a Christian substitute for the pagan celebration of winter solstice.

The winter solstice usually occurred around December 25th on the ancient Julian calendar. This celebration was a part of another Roman celebration called Saturnalia. Saturnalia began each year on December 17th. At that time the Romans honored Saturn, the ancient god of agriculture. Also celebrated was the lengthening of daylight following the winter solstice. Romans did this by glorifying Mithra, the ancient Persian god of light. These and other winter festivities lasted until January 1.

The Roman Catholic Church chose December 25 as the day for the Feast of the Nativity. This was in order to give Christian meaning to existing pagan rituals. The Church replaced festivities honoring the birth of the Mithra by commemorating the birth of Jesus. They called Jesus the light of the world. The Church hoped to draw pagans into its religion by overlapping their revelry.

Traditionally, the sacred Christmas season starts with Advent. Advent continues to Christmas Day. During Advent, Christians make preparations for commemorating Jesus birth on December 25th. They also look forward to the Second Coming of Christ.

About 600A.D., Pope Gregory I decreed that Advent start the fourth Sunday before Christmas. He decreed that the season end on Epiphany, January 6th.

Over the next 1200 years, Christmas observances followed the expansion of Christianity. It expanded throughout Europe, into Egypt, and eventually into America. Along the way, Christian beliefs combined with other pagan feasts and winter rituals. This created many distorted long-standing Christian traditions of Christmas celebrations.

Some examples are:

1)The ancient Europeans believed that the mistletoe plant held magic powers to bestow life and fertility, to bring about peace, and to protect against disease. They associated the plant with the Norse goddess of love, Freya, and developed the custom of kissing underneath mistletoe branches.

2)The Roman Catholic Church first introduced the midnight Mass in the 5th century. The dramatization of the biblical story of Jesus birth was a practice begun by Saint Francis of Assisi in the 13th century.

3)Many cultures continue the pre-Christian custom of burning Yule logs during the midwinter season; the Yule log symbolizes the victory of light over the darkness of winter. According to ancient tradition, the ashes provide protection against bad luck during the year.

4)The German custom of decorating an evergreen tree at Christmastime has become one of the most popular images of Christmas around the world. At one time, Germany supplied the world with almost all of the decorative glass ornaments for Christmas trees. On the evening of December 5th, children wait for a visit from Saint Nicholas, who brings them gifts. Most children also receive gifts on Christmas Eve. In some parts of Germany, Santa Claus distributes gifts, but in other regions Knecht Ruprecht, a mythical figure dressed in animal skins, delivers childrens treats. On Christmas Eve, families traditionally gather around Christmas trees decorated with lights, ornaments, and Lebkuchen, which are spiced cookies cut into decorative shapes. Worshippers holding candles illuminate Church services on Christmas Eve. The Advent wreath, which consists of four candles anchored in a circle of evergreen branches, originated with German Lutherans; many churches and families have adopted the tradition. At the beginning of each of the four weeks preceding Christmas, Christians light an Advent candle as they say a prayer.

5)In Italian folklore Santa Claus is not a prominent figure. Instead, Italian children wait for La Befana, a good witch who rides her broom to their homes on Epiphany to distribute gifts. According to folk belief, La Befanawhose name refers to the word Epifania (Epiphany)was too busy to accompany the Three Wise Men on their journey to visit the infant Jesus in Bethlehem. Now, to atone for her failing, she visits all good children, leaving treats. She also visits bad children and leaves them lumps of coal or bags of ash.

6)In England religious customs of Christmas celebrations center on recounting the story of Christs birth. Most people who celebrate Christmas also participate in such secular customs as watching Christmas plays, feasting, singing, and helping the poor. Before Christmas Day, children write wish lists to Father Christmas, who is the British version of Santa Claus. They then throw these letters into the fire. Children believe that if a draft draws the letter up through the chimney, their wishes will be fulfilled. Children open their gifts on Christmas afternoon. Many people in England also make charitable contributions to churches and to the needy on the day after Christmas, known as Boxing Day. They also give small gifts known as Christmas boxes to those who have performed personal services throughout the year.

7)America has become a melting pot for many world Christmas traditions, with many new customs, many of which started in the 19th century. Before then Christmas had been an ordinary workday in many communities, particularly in New England, where early Puritan objections to Christmas celebrations remained highly influential. Families almost never exchanged Christmas gifts among themselves.

These early Christmas traditions in America quickly changed. Among some groups, Christmas became an especially boisterous event, characterized by huge feasts, drunkenness, and raucous public revelry. In an English tradition that survived in some parts of North America, Christmas revelers would dress in costume and progress from door to door to receive gifts of food and drink. Most holiday gifts were limited to small amounts of money and modest presents passed from the wealthy to the poor and from masters to their servants. The rapidly expanding industrial economy of the 19th century flooded the market with new goods for sale, and also helped establish a new middle class. Christmas gained increased prominence largely because many people believed it could draw families together and honor children. Giving gifts to children and loved ones eventually replaced the raucous public celebrations of the past, and Christmas became primarily a domestic holiday.

With the new custom of Christmas gift giving, the marketplace exerted an unprecedented influence on holiday celebrations. Commercial innovations such as department stores and mass advertising further expanded the custom of exchanging Christmas gifts. Seasonal retail sales helped fuel the economy, causing merchants and advertisers to become some of the seasons most dedicated promoters. Many holiday celebrants regretted these changes and began voicing the now common grieve that Christmas has become too commercial. With the influx of immigrants, who introduced a wide variety of religious and cultural practices to North American life, celebrating Christmas became a way for people from different parts of the world to create a sense of community in the cities. The holiday forged a sense of nondenominational Christian spirit in the communities, as it promoted a sense of collective good will.

Christmas, the most Holy Day of Christianity, has many built-in errors and influences. Although it has become a Day to reflect on goodwill toward mankind, the core of Christianitys foundation (Jesus birth) has pagan roots. Just imagine how many more pagan customs are embedded into other Christian holidays and beliefs. All of the Christian traditions need to be investigated thoroughly, if one is to take them literally.

With Christmas, like other holidays, Christians give reverence to images and symbols. With Christmas there is the symbol of the Christ child. In Rome this image is called Santo Bambino Jesu.

There are also other pagan images, adopted for various reasons. Some of these images include: mistletoe, prayer cloths and beads, people, spirits, Crucifixes, etc. To include the worship of any image or object is an abomination. God wants our total dedication to Him only, in spirit only.

Biblical Scriptures read:

Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: Deut. 5:8.

And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. Deut. 6:5.

Jesus said:

Have ye ever seen dung mixed with balsam?

Now I tell you that there be in the world greater madmen, because with the service of God they mingle the service of the world. So much so that many of blameless life have been deceived of Satan, and while praying have mingled with their prayer worldly business, whereupon they have become at that time abominable in the sight of God. Tell me, when ye wash yourselves for prayer, do ye take care that no unclean thing touch you? Yea, assuredly. But what do ye when ye are making prayer? Ye wash your soul from sins through the mercy of God. Would ye be willing then, while ye are making prayer, to speak of worldly things? Take care not to do so, for every worldly word becometh dung of the devil upon the soul of him that speaketh. GB: 84.

More is revealed on this subject of: False holidays and customs, as well as on the subjects of: Gods Knowledge and Worship, and the Judgments of God, in the Guide Book: ONE GOD ONE WORD: The TRUTH About The KNOWLEDGE and WORSHIP of GOD.

Visit website: for additional information.

Genie Of Your Mind

7 Secrets of the Millionaire Mindset

Ask anyone, "do you want more money?" and the answer is usually "yes!" More money can mean many things: freedom, fun, adventure, escape from bills, no more worries, a brand new BMW. Whatever it is we want, money is often the means to get it.

Why is it we don't have everything we want? We are definitely smart enough - we have after all sent a man to the moon, should we not be able to make a few extra thousand dollars? We certainly work hard enough - statistics have Australians working 40-60 hours per week. Americans have barely two weeks annual leave per annum. There is no lack of work ethic here.

So what keeps us from achieving the wealth we truly desire?

Is it lack of knowledge? No - there are thousands of books and articles on how to build wealth and there are thousands who have done it before - it is achievable. The answers are out there, for anyone to access.

Is it lack of desire? Surely not since most people express a true craving for more cash and can see the real benefits of building wealth.

The distinction between those who make millions and those who do not is not about intelligence, drive, work ethic, knowledge, skill, opportunity, or even luck. The difference lies almost entirely with beliefs and attitude. These distinctions boil down to seven basic secrets of what I call the "Millionaire Mindset".

Secret #1: Beliefs about Money

Millionaires have specific beliefs about money and wealth. This is the most fundamental and most important aspect of becoming (and staying) a millionaire.

Millionaire beliefs include:

* I deserve to be rich.

* There is more than enough wealth to go around.

* When I grow rich, so do others.

* I grow rich by adding value to people's lives. I do this by providing services, knowledge, or products that enrich others.

* Creating wealth is enjoyable and fun.

* If I desire it, I can achieve it, attract it, possess it, enjoy it.

* I am the captain of my own ship.

* I am not alone - in building wealth, I have many partners who assist me in the design, implementation, and administration of my products and services. We all benefit from the growth of wealth.

* Nobody suffers as a result of me being rich.

* Wealth brings the opportunity to assist others.

* I am very grateful for everything I have in my life already.

* I am on this planet to enjoy my life.

* I am already wealthy beyond measure.

How many of those beliefs do you share with the millionaires? Chances are if you do not have all the wealth you desire it is because you may have some limiting beliefs about yourself and money.

We develop our money beliefs primarily from our family and from our early experiences with money. Do you remember your first conscious thought about money? Was it a positive one? Quite often our experiences with money are negative or unsupportive, associated with guilt, blame, fear, jealousy and all manner of low-level emotional states.

Culturally we are also bombarded with messages about money. Have you heard of these ones?

* Money does not grow on trees.

* Money is the root of all evil.

* It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to pass through the gates of heaven.

* The meek shall inherit the earth.

* There is virtue in poverty.

When you think about it, these maxims are not at all helpful if you want to grow wealth. If you subscribe to these beliefs, then your ambitions will be in constant conflict with your underlying notions about wealth. The result? A stalemate. No wealth can be grown in these conditions.

Secret #2: Reasons for Building Wealth - The Carrot and the Stick

Millionaires have very specific and very compelling reasons for WHY they build wealth. These reasons keep them focussed on their goals. These may include the desire to experience freedom of choice, provide a solid education to their children, assist their favourite charity, eliminate personal debt, ensure a secure future for themselves, or simply to have fun.

Regardless of the particulars of 'why' they want to build wealth, all the reasons fall in to two distinct categories. These are the 'Carrots' and the 'Sticks'. Both 'Carrots' and 'Sticks' are essential components of the Millionaire Mindset.

'Carrots' are the juicy incentive. Just like the horse that has the carrot suspended out in front of him to keep him trotting along, aiming for the yummy treat, millionaires also have 'carrots'. These might be a new Jaguar, a house on the beach, overseas travel, a fancy wardrobe, a solid education fund for their children, the ability to donate to their favourite charity, a sense of freedom, a sense of adventure, the freedom of choice. The reasons are both tangible and esoteric. Basically the most important thing is that the 'carrots' feel good.

'Sticks' are the painful reminder of what they don't want. My aunt who is now very wealthy says the primary reason she worked so hard for financial independence is that she never wanted to experience again the poverty of her childhood. It was such a painful experience that it served as a whip, a 'stick', to drive her wealth creation activities. Other wealth creation 'sticks' might be the pain of oppressive debt, fear of retirement without sufficient funds, the worry of wondering from where the next meal will come.

Anthony Robbins claims that people will do more to avoid pain than they will do gain pleasure. This is a key observation in the development of the Millionaire Mindset. In order to carry through plans for wealth creation, the millionaire on the make needs to have both 'carrots' and 'sticks'. The sticks keep the feet to the fire, keep the awareness of pain as a spur to keep trying, to keep working the plan. The 'carrots' however provide the inspiration, the joy, and the rewards. The wealth 'horse' moves a lot more effectively if it has both 'carrots' and 'sticks' encouraging it along.

One last word about 'sticks'. If you have too many of them, your life becomes filled with fear - fear of poverty, fear of debt, fear of an under-funded retirement. This is no way to lead a life, and certainly a very anxious way to approach developing wealth. Some 'sticks' are a good way to get started, and then focus more on your 'carrots'. Not only are these much more fun to think about, they will make the process of building wealth far more pleasant and enjoyable.

Secret #3: It's not about the money

Every wealthy person knows that creating a fortune is never about the money itself. It is however about what the money can do. Money allows the experiences that provide pleasure. Ultimately building wealth is about feeling good - nothing more, nothing less. Can you feel good without building wealth? Absolutely! This is why a wealthy person feels good, feels 'wealthy', regardless of the balance of their bank account. For the wealthy person, accumulation of wealth is a process that is as enjoyable as the results.

Wealthy people are not hung up on outcomes or on the balance sheet. Wealthy people focus on the process of adding value to their clients, to their colleagues, to their employees, to their field of work. They know that in adding value, the laws of reciprocity dictate that value comes back to them in the end. In this way they can feel good at any given time. Creating wealth is as much about service to others as it is about feeling good in their own life.

Secret #4: Awareness is a key skill of wealth creation

Those who create and attract wealth have a heightened sense of self. They are keenly aware of what might be stopping their personal growth including personal effectiveness, limiting beliefs, low-level emotional patterns, and lack of knowledge or skill. They take active steps to eliminate blocks to their success.

Those with a Millionaire Mindset are also keenly sensitive to their environment. They surround themselves with people who support and assist them with their goals. They hire coaches, select mentors, and pay for the best advisers they can afford. They avoid individuals who are negative, pessimistic, or caustic in any way. They design inspiring surroundings that remind them of their personal vision and reflect their individual values. Everything around them is a reflection of who they are at the core and resonates with their vision of themselves already in possession of the wealth they desire.

Secret #5: Focus reveals opportunities

Along with heightened awareness, focus on key priorities operates like a giant floodlight: opportunities are revealed by the powerful, focussed light. Without clear focus, these same opportunities may still exist, but because awareness is unfocussed, the individual may not necessarily notice them.

Secret #6: Repeat baby steps

Having focus and heightened awareness is not enough to become wealthy. Inspired and deliberate action is required to create results. Wealthy individuals take measured steps in creating their outcomes. They know that some action is better than none and that baby steps in the moment lead to significant results over time.

Secret #7: Connect to joy, in the moment

True wealth comes in the experience of joy, in the moment. This is in fact a choice brought on by awareness of our connection to the whole of mankind, the whole of the universe. When we feel integrated and a part of the great experience of life, we can relax and savour the experience of the moment, now. A great sense of peace thus allows the flow of joy, happiness, and ultimately wealth and prosperity.

So how do you actually create wealth?

This is the question people always ask first when they want to escape poverty and make more money. It should in fact be the last question to answer. You cannot attract wealth if you do not have the right beliefs, reasons, focus, awareness, and attitude. Any financial project will flounder without these elements in place first.

With that caveat out of the way, how do you build wealth?

The simple answer is that there are a multitude of methods and strategies. You can employ one or many. These include:

* A traditional business enterprise

* Investing in shares, managed funds, bonds, etc

* Property investment

* An online business.

What we know for sure that there are very few 'jobs' that pay an extraordinary salary that turns in to massive wealth. Business and investment is really the key to wealth that does not depend on you actually turning up to deliver a service.

How do you get started on the technical side of things of wealth building?
First of all, pick the strategy that you will enjoy. If you are a technophobe, then maybe an on-line business is not for you. If you enjoy home making and decorating, maybe property investment is something for you to pursue. Whatever you choose, you have to enjoy it and make it fun!

There are plenty of good resources out there to teach you the nitty gritty of investing, business building etc. Don't feel you like you have to go it alone! Get advice, get help, get a coach, get a mentor. Educate yourself - read, read, read. Then take action - baby steps of course!

As a starting point, here are some great resources for you:

Rich Dad, Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki

Cash Flow Quadrant - Robert Kiyosaki

The E Myth Revisited - Michael Gerber

You Were Born Rich - Bob Proctor

The One Minute Millionaire - Mark Victor Hansen

Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill

There are plenty of more books, links, and articles on my website to help lead you in the right direction.

Now go forth and prosper!

I wish you a life of love, laughter, joy, health, and prosperity.

Best wishes

Copyright 2006 Zo Herbert Routh, Inner Compass

Cancer survivor Zoe Routh is the Head Coach at Inner Compass, a personal development organisation that helps busy professionals work less and achieve more. Inner Compass offers practical strategies and solutions to improve personal effectiveness and live an inspired life.

Zoe has worked with groups and individuals since 1987. She has worked as a trainer, coach and facilitator in helping people achieve their personal best.

Inner Compass offers articles, resources, and coaching programs to help busy professionals radically improve their personal effectiveness to live an inspired life.

Thinking Like God