Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Financial Burdens From Church Leaders

I really can't believe how many people that don't have enough money and could be living below poverty levels, often he as much as they can to their religious organizations. It saddens me to see those who don't have enough to eat, giving money to their church, even though they needed more than God does.

I realize that the Bible tells its followers to give at least 10% of their earnings to their church or temple. The problem is, that the Bible doesn't provide any information for people that constantly give money to the church, even though they can't afford to. They need this money for food and to educate their children.

I guess it's okay, to form a dependency on your church, even though you could provide for yourself, if you didn't give away all of your money. There are plenty of churches that will provide their patrons with close, food and some of them will even provide shelter for the poor or homeless.

The financial burdens that are produced by some church leaders, make me sick. They make those who can't afford to give, feel guilty and this guilt eats away at them like a cancerous disease, working its way through your vital and important body parts.

I'm going to suggest something to the church leaders. Quit making people feel guilty, simply because you need more money to accomplish the things that you are planning to do. It doesn't really matter, if the stuff that you are doing is great for wonderful, if you're doing it at the expense of others.

I would also like to give some advice to those people who can't afford to give away their money. Quit giving it away. Save your money, feed your family, by your own clothes, and save up for your children's education.

Some of, the money that you are giving to your religious organization, might be squandered away on your church leaders programs. These programs might have nothing to do with God's desire for a better world.

Click Here For A Fascinating Journey Into Christianity - Great Book About The Bible

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If your interested in a different point of view READ THESE ARTICLES - Great Articles For Christians

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author and a inspiration to millions of people. His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible. This book provides Christians with advanced biblical knowledge, answer some tough questions and should be read by every faithful follower of Christ.


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Is Overpopulation a Religious Problem?

Overpopulation really isn't that hard to understand. People love each other, want to reproduce and have offspring. Their parents took care of them, and they will take care of their children. People love to have families and these families love to have more families. It doesn't get any simpler than that.

Now is overpopulation a religious problem? If you listen to religious text and understand a few simple sentences, you will see that there are plenty of religions all over the world that encourage the multiplication of mankind.

In the Bible, God tells man to be fruitful and multiply. If you read this a little differently, you might take it that God wants men to eat as much fruit as he wants to and plant more trees so that he can have more fruit and be fruitful.

That's not exactly how most Christians read this Bible verse. Christians need to have more children, and their children need to have more children. This is how they interpret the words, to be fruitful and multiply.

I do believe that religions all over the world play an important part in our worlds population problem today. It's not the people who are educated, that are constantly reproducing, in today's world.

Most religions support population expansion, but what are they going to do, once the world becomes so overpopulated, that we can't even take care of ourselves. This should give you another point of view to look at, especially if you one part of the problem and not the solution.

What About The End of The World

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.
His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible. This book provides Christians with superior biblical knowledge , answer some tough questions and should be read by every faithful follower of Christ.

Thanks For Reading Our Articles

Are Your Prayers Being Answered by God - Christianity

I spent a large portion of my life praying for things that never seem to come about, like most of us. I would pray for a better life, help with solving certain problems, good health, a new car, to attract abundance into my life, wealth and happiness. I can tell you that I am in good health and have a better life than I used to but I never got the new car and seemed to have a hard time solving certain problems that I was praying for.

Now here's the catch in Christianity. If I pray for something and I get it, great God has blessed you and you must have done something good to receive what you had prayed for. If you don't receive what you prayed for within the next couple of days, maybe it isn't the right time to receive what you were asking for. If I receive what I have prayed for after that, God has answered my prayers and has given me what I needed at the right time. God knows best and I will continue to pray.

When I ask someone who prays often, how do you really know that God has answered your prayers. In Christianity, I'm talking about God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit. I'm not talking about Zeus, Krishna, or any other unspecified creator of the universe. How do you really know that your God has given you what you ask for.

Now think about this for a second, I know that as a Christian you believe in your God but what if, the Hindu god Indra has actually answered my prayer and blessed you. How do I know that Jesus is not one of the Hindu gods, hiding under another name. Could I actually be manifesting my desires from the universe somehow and I am actually God. Think about it, if this doesn't make sense to you, have you ever thought about why yours does.

The minute that I accept something as a fact, I have closed my mind to other possibilities. The world was flat at one time and now it is round. I do not accept the earth has being round, simply because someone has told me this. I can look at pictures, read books, watch movies and come to my own conclusion that there is a very good chance that the earth is round, but I can't seem to forget at one time people thought the earth was flat.

Most of us never even question what we are taught. If you were taught that Jesus, Krishna, Satan or any other god answers your prayers, that's what you probably still believe. Whether your prayers are being answered or not, does not guarantee the existence or deny the existence of God. What you're thinking caps on, Seek and You Will Find.

Eliminate Bible Propaganda

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Greg Vanden Berge is a published author and a inspiration to millions of people. He has been involved in religious research for almost 30 years, and his influence in the Christian community is growing. The Holy Bible, is the core to Christian beliefs and most Christians don't even question it. Was the Bible actually written by men?

His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible. This book provides Christians with advanced biblical knowledge, answer some tough questions and should be read by every faithful follower of Christ.

Click here if you're Interested in Christianity.

Could You Be a Married Adulterer? - For Christians Only

Adultery has been going on for centuries and obviously was a problem 2500 years ago or it wouldn't have been mentioned in the Bible so many times. Could you actually be married to someone and be considered an adulterer? It's time for you to learn all the rules in the New Testament about adultery.

Here's a Bible verse that could get a lot of Christians in trouble. Mark 10:11-12 (New King James Version)" 11 So He said to them, "Whoever divorces his wife and marries commits adultery against her. 12 And if a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery."

It looks a little more complicated than most of us could have ever thought. Whoever divorces his wife and marries another, has committed adultery. That means that there are millions of Christians all over the world who have committed adultery.

I've got some more bad news for Christians who might have looked at a woman lustfully. Matthew 5:28 (New International Version Bible) "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." This isn't looking good, for men or women is it?

If you've never been married, but while you were at church, notice an attractive woman or man and had lustful thoughts, about them, you're an adulterer. I know, it sounds a little harsh, but I'm not making anything up here, it's right out of the Bible.

I know things aren't looking good but I would like to leave you with a comforting thought. If you were divorced from your spouse because of an adulterous relationship, things might be starting to look a little different with this next Bible verse.

Matthew 19:9 (New International Version Bible) I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery."

These are typical contradictions and they are located throughout the Bible. Mark 10:11-12 states that all divorced people who have remarried, commit adultery. Matthew 19:9 states something completely different, if your divorced and your ex spouse has been unfaithful during your marriage and you remarry, everything is okay.

Are you even more confused than when I started? There's a good chance that you are. I'm even confused and I wrote the article. The real question is, can we remarry or can't we.

This would be a good topic during Bible study. You can start by asking, how many people are adulterers?

Read This Today

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author and a inspiration to millions of people. He has been involved in religious research for almost 30 years, and his influence in the Christian community is growing. The Holy Bible, is the core to Christian beliefs and most Christians don't even question it. Was the Bible actually written by men?

His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible. This book provides Christians with advanced biblical knowledge, answer some tough questions and should be read by every faithful follower of Christ.

Click here if you're interested in the Bible truth.

Embrace the Idea About Learning - Shouldn't You Be Studying the Bible Regularly?

Most Christians own at least one Bible, but the idea of studying it on a regular basis, is normally considered a difficult task for those to perform. If you really want to call yourself a Christian, shouldn't you at least understand, a few things in the Bible?

Maybe something about Adam and Eve, Noah's Ark, or what about that guy, what's his name, I think he died for our sins and wasn't he the son of God, what was his name... You might think I'm kidding, but very few Christians, know very little about the Bible.

How do we get Christians to embrace the idea that studying the Bible could benefit them or change their views entirely about their religion? I've always had problems with those who consider themselves practicing Christians, while trying to convert others to Christianity with a limited knowledge about the religion itself.

If you go to church every Sunday, there's a good chance that you will have to touch the holy book of scriptures, at least once. You might even pick it up and turn some of the pages while listening to the sermon. Is this the only time during the week that you will pick up the Bible? And does this bother you?

What about those who read the Bible regularly and don't take the time to interpret it literally. Read the Bible, word for word in order to get a simple understanding of each Bible verse. Don't try to read anything into it or look for hidden messages.

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to answer simple questions or understand what your church leaders are talking about? When they mention Paul or Isaiah, are you thinking about your cousin and his friend? Spend a little more time learning about your religion and you will reap the rewards that education has to offer.

There Are Plenty of Problems with the Bible and If You Need More Help, Click on This Link Understanding the Bible

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author and a inspiration to millions of people. He has been involved in religious research for almost 30 years, and his influence in the Christian community is growing. The Holy Bible, is the core to Christian beliefs and most Christians don't even question it. Was the Bible actually written by men?

His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible. This book provides Christians with advanced biblical knowledge, answer some tough questions and should be read by every faithful follower of Christ.

Click Here If You're a Positive Christian Person.

Tithing Education - Giving From Guilt

If you're part of any organized religion and donate money on a regular basis, do you know where your money is going? Have you ever asked what they are spending the money on? Are you one of those people who feels that your pastor and church leaders know best and never even ask them, because you might feel inferior to them? Have you asked in the past and were told not to worry about it but still would like to know.

Before you give your hard earned money away, whether you're doing it out of guilt or pleasure, make sure you're supporting the right organization. You should never feel the need to donate money if you don't have it to give.

I went to a church that had funds for everything, building funds, starvation funds, church funds and even funds to fund of funds if they ran out of money. Okay I just threw that last part in their but all kidding aside, there's plenty of stuff to be done in our country, to help the starving, the poor and the needy. Why do we need to go to other countries?

I want to make a suggestion to people who can't afford to give their money away but feel guilty if they don't. In the Bible it tells you to give away 10% of your earnings to the church. The part that it doesn't tell you is what to do if you can't afford to give 10% to the church. I personally have known quite a few people who give money out of guilt and fear but will tell you that this is a requirement of their religion and its okay. God will take care of us and he always does.

I don't really believe God, the all powerful all-knowing and loving creator, wants us to suffer, if we just don't make enough money to survive. If you're planning on sending your child to a Christian private school and could only afford to send them to that school, using the money that you were going to tithe to the church, what will you do? Tithe the money to the church so that they can use it to feed hungry people in other countries or build a new church somewhere or help with your child's education.

Some of these decisions are made difficult by religious doctrine and these are the parts of organized religion that I have problems with. When do we use common sense, combined with a little education to seek the truth. Does your religion ask you to seek the truth but not to gather your information beyond their religious boundaries?

Only give what you can afford to give and feel good about it. If you don't feel good about giving your money away, don't do it. Take care of yourself, so that you can take care of others, if you choose to. Living a life of fear and guilt doesn't make sense.

Question Your Religion

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a religious help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Monday, September 28, 2009

My Message From God - Christian Spirituality

This is a special article to me and I would like to share it with you. It seems like, every one that I have ever met, who refers to themselves as Christians, have received a special message from God.

I would like to share my message from God with every person in the world.

Why would God go out of his way to create evil people? To create people that wouldn't convert to his religion. To understand the true meaning of the one true religion. To have the ability to comprehend the truth and wisdom of Christianity.

I have been listening to Christians for years, talk about evil, the influence of the Bible on Christians, gifts from God, questioning their beliefs, lacking understanding for things that God doesn't give them or things that he takes away from them and excluding sinners from their lives.

I've been listening to Christians talk about love and caring, but excluding sinners, homosexuals and women from their church. Not allowing women to hold decision of authority or allowing them to perform certain tasks, inside of the Church.

I've been listening to Christians, quote from the Bible, with limited knowledge of the origins of that individual Bible verse, let alone the origins of their church or how Christianity was formed.

I've listened to them judge me for my beliefs and condemn others for theirs, while they are telling me about decision's they are making within their own lives, that don't support Christianity.

Just because you go to church, read the Bible or simply believe that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior, doesn't make you an educated Christian. It only makes you a Christian.

My message from God is simple. Learn more about Christianity and this will allow you to do one of two things. Either you will become a stronger Christian or you will relinquish your beliefs in Christianity.

Either way you will have learned more about Christianity and could consider yourself an educated Christian or simply an educated person.

Advanced Bible Study

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author and a inspiration to millions of people. He has been involved in religious research for almost 30 years, and his influence in the Christian community is growing. The Holy Bible, is the core to Christian beliefs and most Christians don't even question it. Was the Bible actually written by men?

His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible. This book provides Christians with advanced biblical knowledge, answer some tough questions and should be read by every faithful follower of Christ.

Click here if you're a Spiritual Chrsitian.

Rocking the Foundation of Christianity

Whatever you build a house, you start with the foundation, if you're writing a book, it might be an outline for the table of contacts, but when were talking about Christianity, rarely do any Christians ever research the origins or how Christianity began.

Most Christians assume that Jesus was the one who started Christianity, however, he was Jewish and there is a good chance that he never even thought about starting a new religion. I know, Jesus is God and he knows everything and he knew that he was going to start Christianity. Okay, but what if.

That might not be entirely true. We don't have any proof that Jesus was actually a superior god like being. We can speculate or assume all that we want to, however there is very little evidence to support, that Jesus did anything that the writers of the New Testament, suggested he had done.

I would like to challenge most Christians, to do a little research and quite possibly start rocking the foundation of Christianity. It's much more important to understand Christianity than to call yourself a Christian. Will a little bit of research help or hurt you, as you study Christianity.

You can start by looking at the origins of the Bible, the Council of Nicaea, the Emperor Constantine, the missing years of Jesus in the early Roman Catholic Church.

To understand anything, you must understand its origins. Take some time out of your busy life, to start studying the foundation of Christianity.

Do Christians Believe Everything
You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:
Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a Christian Article Library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

When Do We Get to Meet God's Parents?

If God is the creator of the universe, who is the creator of God? When I was born, I had a mother and a father and supposedly the two of them together had created me. One could not have created me without the other and therefore I am a product of my parents. I know who my parents are and I even know who their parents are but who is God's parents and were we made in the images of our parents or creators.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth but before that, we know very little about God. Did he have brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, grandparents and even God parents. If he did have brothers and sisters, did they create worlds like he did or she did, we don't know whether God is a man or a woman, transvestite, homosexual or a combination of all of these. We really don't know what God is, even though Michelangelo painted him on the Sistine Chapel.

In the book of revelations it mentions, Revelation 22:13 "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End." God says that he is the first and the last, does this mean that there was no one or no entity before him. It goes back to the chicken and the egg, what was first the chicken or the egg, no one knows. Well god knows doesn't he. I don't know why I keep referring to God as a he but bear with me on this one.

I wonder if God was disciplined as a child or even if he was a child. Maybe God was born a full grown person or even a mysterious entity in the form of a smoky cloud. That couldn't be, because God made us in his image and I'm sure that his mother and father look like us. Well, hopefully they look better than us, maybe someone like Brad Pitt or Jennifer Aniston. I hope that he wasn't an ugly person or entity. That would be discouraging.

I guess that's enough of the humor, I rarely hear anyone talk about, who created God. If God formed out of nothingness, why couldn't our earth have formed from nothingness, without God. If God did have parents, brothers and sisters, have they created other universes and what is the purpose of their creations. Are we just one big experiment, part of a big science project?

Anyone interested in using this article to make a movie, feel free to use this information at no charge, I would love to see the movie, when it's done.

Good Christian News

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

If you're really seeking the kingdom of heaven, the glory of God and the true vision that Jesus had, check out some great Christian articles. These articles are designed to teach and educate Christians.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Tithing Education - Giving From Guilt

If you're part of any organized religion and donate money on a regular basis, do you know where your money is going? Have you ever asked what they are spending the money on? Are you one of those people who feels that your pastor and church leaders know best and never even ask them, because you might feel inferior to them? Have you asked in the past and were told not to worry about it but still would like to know.

Before you give your hard earned money away, whether you're doing it out of guilt or pleasure, make sure you're supporting the right organization. You should never feel the need to donate money if you don't have it to give.

I went to a church that had funds for everything, building funds, starvation funds, church funds and even funds to fund of funds if they ran out of money. Okay I just threw that last part in their but all kidding aside, there's plenty of stuff to be done in our country, to help the starving, the poor and the needy. Why do we need to go to other countries?

I want to make a suggestion to people who can't afford to give their money away but feel guilty if they don't. In the Bible it tells you to give away 10% of your earnings to the church. The part that it doesn't tell you is what to do if you can't afford to give 10% to the church. I personally have known quite a few people who give money out of guilt and fear but will tell you that this is a requirement of their religion and its okay. God will take care of us and he always does.

I don't really believe God, the all powerful all-knowing and loving creator, wants us to suffer, if we just don't make enough money to survive. If you're planning on sending your child to a Christian private school and could only afford to send them to that school, using the money that you were going to tithe to the church, what will you do? Tithe the money to the church so that they can use it to feed hungry people in other countries or build a new church somewhere or help with your child's education.

Some of these decisions are made difficult by religious doctrine and these are the parts of organized religion that I have problems with. When do we use common sense, combined with a little education to seek the truth. Does your religion ask you to seek the truth but not to gather your information beyond their religious boundaries?

Only give what you can afford to give and feel good about it. If you don't feel good about giving your money away, don't do it. Take care of yourself, so that you can take care of others, if you choose to. Living a life of fear and guilt doesn't make sense.

Question Your Religion

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a religious help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Religious Mind Control Or Generational Sin

If you were raised with certain beliefs and belong to a certain religion, there is a very good chance that your parents followed your religion and share the same beliefs. If you are a Muslim, there's a very good chance that your parents were Muslims. If you live in the United States, there is a really, really good chance that you're a Christian, especially if you live in Texas or Utah.

Is this religious mind control and generational sin or is this truly the way life is meant to live. Your parents and ancestors formed strong beliefs and pass them on to their children. What's wrong with that? Is it a generational sin to pass on what you truly believe? With that question asked, is a generational sin our mind control to teach our children how to fit into society, is it our obligation as stewards.

We often send our children to school, give them a good religious upbringing and then assimilate them into the workplace, almost like robots on an assembly line. We seem to never even question where these beliefs originated, we have no idea where they are going to take us and above all, we have no idea that they are truly beneficial to society, let alone ourselves.

Teaching our children what we have been taught, isn't always going to be right. If you look back in history, at all the beliefs, rituals and facts that have been disproven and are no longer followed by modern man, you can get a pretty good idea what I'm talking about. These people often taught their children, what they were taught. In centuries to come, these truths died out and were replaced by new ones.

Religious mind control can be cured by opening your mind and reading articles like this. You might be talking to someone who you have been taught to fear or even hate your whole life, only to find out that they think like you. They care about their families, feel sorry for others who are less fortunate and usually eat and sleep just like you do. If your mind is open enough, you could realize that you have been lied to and now it's time to start thinking seriously about what you were taught and what you're going to believe in the future.

Religious mind control can be cured through reading books, watching television, visiting other countries and educating yourself about other cultures and religions. The change you make today could affect future generations in your family.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All

Greg is currently working on a religious help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Is Overpopulation a Religious Problem?

Overpopulation really isn't that hard to understand. People love each other, want to reproduce and have offspring. Their parents took care of them, and they will take care of their children. People love to have families and these families love to have more families. It doesn't get any simpler than that.

Now is overpopulation a religious problem? If you listen to religious text and understand a few simple sentences, you will see that there are plenty of religions all over the world that encourage the multiplication of mankind.

In the Bible, God tells man to be fruitful and multiply. If you read this a little differently, you might take it that God wants men to eat as much fruit as he wants to and plant more trees so that he can have more fruit and be fruitful.

That's not exactly how most Christians read this Bible verse. Christians need to have more children, and their children need to have more children. This is how they interpret the words, to be fruitful and multiply.

I do believe that religions all over the world play an important part in our worlds population problem today. It's not the people who are educated, that are constantly reproducing, in today's world.

Most religions support population expansion, but what are they going to do, once the world becomes so overpopulated, that we can't even take care of ourselves. This should give you another point of view to look at, especially if you one part of the problem and not the solution.

What About The End of The World

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.
His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible. This book provides Christians with superior biblical knowledge , answer some tough questions and should be read by every faithful follower of Christ.

Thanks For Reading Our Articles

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

10 Humorous Quotes to Help You Get Over Difficult Situations

It's easy to think about how someone else's situation is more difficult then the one you are currently dealing with. I mean, you could be starving in a third-world country, working at McDonald's, or even getting shot at in Iraq.

That doesn't necessarily help you though, does it?

What's really important is to get through whatever you're going through the best way possible. You can't just make a statement and hope your problems go away. One great way to deal with difficult situations is to face them head on with a very powerful weapon:


Who better to assist you than one of the most iconic humorists of his time, and even today, Woody Allen. These 10 quotes should help you face your problems with a lighter heart and a less stressful attitude.

1. "Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons."

2. "I believe there is something out there watching us. Unfortunately, it's the government."

3. "There are worse things in life than death. Have you ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman?"

Love is complicated, to say the least. While it's easy to attribute the word love to many things in our lives, do we really know what it is we're talking about when we say we "love" things? Let's see what Woody says.

4. "Love is the answer, but while you're waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty interesting questions."

5. "A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me, she said 'no'."

When it comes to the practicalities of life, Woody has a way of making it all go by with a lot more laughs

6. "Basically my wife was immature. I'd be at home in the bath and she'd come in and sink my boats."

7. "I am not afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens."

8. "I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose."

9. "If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans."

10. "The talent for being happy is appreciating and liking what you have, instead of what you don't have."

I can't say your problems are worth laughing at, but maybe if you looked at them in a new light, one that involves humor, you might be able to deal with them better.

Claudia Johnson is the editor of Daily Affirmations (, a website dedicated to providing positive affirmations each day along with self improvement tips and product reviews. Sign up to receive free affirmations and site updates via email by visiting now.

Don't Miss Happiness

The Happy Musings for the Day: Happiness does not come uninvited. It needs to be the guest of honor!

Yep, if you put happiness first, the rest falls into place. That does not mean "pleasure happiness", but true happiness. We are always doing it the other way round - trying to get everything in place in order to be happy. Why miss all that time in the process? "Happiness Now" is the way to go - the happiness that is not dependent on outside circumstances!

I believe happiness does need to be invited into one's life. There is always plenty of room for it. If not, push some other things out of the way to make room. In fact a welcoming committee of all aspects of your being could band together to create a great welcoming party. Then once it shows up, make it the honored guest, so honored that it will never want to leave.

It is almost a life exercise to maintain this state. It seems like it is a state one step above everyday life which goes up and down. Happiness is above the clouds and winds and rains. It is steady and consistent. And it is reassuring to know that we have control over it. It never turns down an invitation. We just have to remember to open the door. I think of all the friends to have, happiness is the best.

A moment without happiness is a moment lost. Don't waste a moment.

"Life is wonderful"
copyright 2008 Sally Huss

You may receive FREE Sally Huss' Happy Musings weekly by e-mail and previews of Sally's new self-help downloadable books (10 GREAT THOUGHTS ON LOVE and 10 GREAT THOUGHTS ON FRIENDSHIP) by going to Also you may download her Have-It-All Formula FREE.

Sally Huss has been creating her bright and happy art, combining it with her whimsical and uplifting thoughts, for over 25 years. King Features syndicated these Happy Musings for newspapers 3 years ago.

You are allowed to use this article as long as you include the resource box, which is the first paragraph above.

Article Writing Tips - How to Write Web Articles For Fun and Profits!

When Internet marketing is your business or passion, writing articles relating to your niche can be of immense benefit. The following tips will help you understand how to write an article to pull in the visitors to your website.

1. Believe in yourself

The major obstacle in article writing is that many people believe they do not know how to write an article. This mental block should be removed in the first place. Articles written for the Internet or websites are simple and easy to create. It is vastly different from the articles you will read in magazines or journals.

2. How are online articles different?

Writing for magazines or journals calls for in-depth study of the subject. Journalists gather bits of information on a situation or subject and then use their creativity to present that information in an organized and interesting manner. But, when you learn article writing for the web, you will notice that most of the information required is available to you through the search engines. Your effort will be to use appropriate search terms and collect the information required.

3. How does that help?

In the process of learning article writing, the first step is collecting information. After you have gathered the information, decide how you are going to present it. Look for the number of words that you should be writing, the number of paragraphs and then conceptualize a flow. Now, you can just start writing as though you were writing to a friend conveying that information to him or her.

Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 59-page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your FREE copy now!

Also, quickly download his FREE "Explosive Traffic System" report that shows you how to generate 10,000+ unique visitors per month at no cost! =>

Water Heater Damage

A One Minute Meditation

Maybe learning to meditate intimidates you, and in any case it's tough to find the time for daily meditation. The solution to both problems is an easy meditation you can learn right now, that will only take a minute to do each day.

An Easy Meditation Technique

Breathing through your mouth expands your chest, but if you breath through your nose you'll notice how your abdomen extends. You see, nose-breathing causes the diaphram to pull air to the bottom of your lungs. This delivers a good dose of oxygen into your bloodstream and brain. It also tends to relax you.

Breathing through your nose is healthier, and it's the basis of this one-minute meditation. You simply close your eyes, let the tension go out of your muscles, let go of your thoughts (to the extent possible), and take four slow, deep breaths through your nose, paying attention to your breathing.

Is Meditation This Easy?

You're not likey to get you into a deep meditative state with this simple exercise. You will get benefits, though. These will almost certainly include a clearer mind and a reduction in stress.

Try to develop a "trigger" for your meditation. You can do your four breaths when you get into the car, for example, or right after lunch each day. A trigger is a place or time that reminds you, so your meditation becomes a habit.

Some may say this isn't "real" meditation, but there's nothing wrong with enjoying the relaxation you'll get from this technique. You can always pursue deeper meditation later, if you wish. In the meantime, remember that not everything has to be difficult to be of value. Why not do an easy one-minute meditation right now?

Steve Gillman writes on many self help topics including boosting brainpower, losing weight, meditation, habits of mind, creative problem solving, learning gratitude, generating luck and anything related to self improvement. You'll find more at

Monday, September 7, 2009

Home Insulation - Should You 'Do It Yourself' Or Use A Professional Contractor?

The Energy Saving Trust in the UK estimates that the average home can save several hundred pounds off its annual heating bills, and prevent the emission of over two tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere annually, by installing insulation throughout. Insulation is the single biggest measure you can take to cut the amount of energy you use in the home. Plus this will also make the average home more comfortable by making it warmer in winter, and cooler in summer. It's no wonder that hundreds of thousands of people a year in the UK are getting their homes insulated.

When thinking about insulating your home you are immediately faced with the choice of employing a professional contractor to do it, or attempting a bit of DIY. At first the DIY option can appear tempting. For example, some types of insulation, such as loft insulation, are not normally technically difficult to fit. The materials are readily available in most DIY stores. Plus many people automatically think that DIY is going to be cheaper than employing a professional contractor, because with a contractor you are paying for their labour.

However, in many cases they will be wrong because using a professional contractor is either cheaper or roughly the same cost as DIY. This is because installing insulation in the UK is now heavily subsidised by gas and electricity suppliers, in order that they can meet their carbon emission targets set by the government. These subsidies are funded by the power companies regardless of household income, and currently amount to between 50 and 70% of the cost of having the insulation installed. This usually means that using a contractor becomes price competitive, or in many cases even cheaper, than DIY.

Plus if you receive certain benefits from the government in the UK, you can get your insulation installed by a professional contractor completely free. This is because the government tops up the grants from the energy companies with its own subsidies to cover the entire cost of the work.

As well as financial considerations, there are other reasons why employing a professional contractor can be attractive. Firstly, some types of insulation do require special technical expertise. For example, to install cavity wall insulation - filling the space between your outer walls with insulation material - requires special machinery, as well as training. You should always use a reputable contractor for this. Although not technically difficult, installing loft insulation is often still a challenging DIY job. The working conditions in a loft are often cramped and unpleasant. Employing someone else to go up there is in many cases a much more attractive option!

As well as the technical challenges, DIY can also have a number of safety issues. For example, the mineral wool that is commonly used to insulate lofts can be hazardous. It is extremely important to handle it with care, as it can severely irritate the throat and skin. You need to wear protective clothing, including face mask, safety goggles and gloves. You also need to make sure that you do not expose the living areas of the house to the material, either when you unpack it, or dispose of any waste material.

If you use a reputable contractor, you can be sure that these issues will be taken care of, with much less hassle for you. You also know that the job will be done to a good standard, because of their training and experience. In fact, cavity wall insulation carried out by professionals in the UK comes with a 25 year guarantee if they are registered with the Cavity Wall Guarantee Agency, which most reputable firms are.

Given all of these advantages, we recommend that most people use a professional contractor to get their home insulated. It's generally competitive on cost or cheaper than DIY, safer, less hassle, and will be done to a high standard if you choose the right contractor. There are many reputable firms who can be accessed through the Internet They will offer you a free no-obligation survey, after which you get a quotation. They also give you access to the attractive grants and subsidies mentioned above. If you like what they tell you, then you can simply go ahead and get a date booked for the work, and look forward to a warmer home and lower heating bills.

Alex Perry is a founder of, which helps people cut their personal contribution to climate change through providing information and contacts.

Article Writing Made Easy - Explode Your Online Business

Article writing is a very important part of internet marketing. Many people feel that it's the most effective method of advertising. You may have the best product in the world and be offering it for the best price. But, if you have no customers checking your product out, your chances of making a sale are pretty slim.

The internet is filled with many similar products. When interested parties are looking for a specific item online, they'll go to a search engine and type in what they're looking up and browse through the numerous results that come back. The results that show up first are the ones that have articles that are the most "content rich" and have the best and most effective keywords. Keep this in mind when writing your articles for your network marketing.

Make sure, also, that you target your niche; in other words, advertise for groups that are interested in what you're selling so you don't pay for a lot of PPC from people that are just browsing the net. Writing articles can be a lot of fun, but not for everyone. Regardless of how hard many people try to write good articles, they just don't know how to put their words down on paper. Fortunately, there is some great article writing software available. Not only is it very reasonably priced but it will help you to write articles that are effective in describing your product, your company and show great writing and grammar skills. The software is easy to understand and will have you writing your network articles in minutes.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website? Here's the answer:

Secret Article Weapon - Download your free ebook now.

Would you like to know more about the magical marketing techniques that have helped me to quit my day job? I have just completed my new ebook.

Secrets To Make Money Online - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Home Water Heater Damage

How To Make Money By Trading Foreign Currencies

The currency foreign trading market unlike other trading platforms around the world offers a lot of opportunities for people all over the world to make money, because the gives equal chances to everyone to participate in trading no matter the country. It will be very wise to make use of this opportunity to make money for yourself in this open and fair global market. It will be very easy for you monitor your progress without stress since you can access your investments through your account any time you want, without the intervention of a broker. It will be cost - effective because you don't pay charges for your transactions, it's just you and your customer, and hence your money is saved.

Get set to start making money by registering online for currency foreign trading; you will need to establish either an account of foreign currency for individuals or customers, but it is wise to put your money in the spot account and not in the futures account of the foreign currency. By doing this you will be able to trade online at real time. After your registration you can select a broker of your chose who will help monitor your investments. Because it does not require huge capital you can even start with as little as $100 USD.

Now, start buying and selling to make money, the more you practice the trade the more money you make. You should know that you will require some skills to forecast the rise and fall of different currency prices so as to know when to buy and the best time to sell - at this point you start making great profits. One of the ways to know is to observe the different economic and political trends of different countries to ascertain the rise and the fall of these currencies. You will need to know the different trends as to determine the currency price direction. The different trends are the uptrend, downtrend and sideways. Like I said, the more you invest and practice the trade the better you become. There is no better place to learn than in the market. So, get to currency foreign trading market and start trading.

For more information about Currency Foreign Trading, feel free to visit us at:

Interior Decorating Ideas

It's happening again. The styles and fashions that we thought we'd seen the last of a decade ago are re-emerging as the latest thing in chic design and people are going mad for it. In fact, one of interior furnishings mainstays throughout the eras has been the humble lamp and while bench surfaces, chairs, lounges and most other room items have gone through drastic changes, many of the retro lamps that emerged in the 1950s and 60s are still preferred today.

The great thing about decorating in retro style is that almost anything goes, as long as it is fun, combines shapes and colors and looks unique. Floor lamps such as the Arco lamp that reaches from one side of the reading chair to the other still looks appropriate, as does the square lampshade on a wooden pedestal base. From there it's up to your own discerning eye as to how funky you want to make the lamp shade with options of trimmings, tassels or prints to bring out your retro preference.

The great thing about deciding on a retro lamp is that if you don't particularly like the look of the traditional lamps from the era, you also have the more space-aged looking lamps that were inspired by the exuberance of the post-war optimism. New products such as melamine spattered with chrome and designs that were sleek and sophisticated combined to produce a very forward thinking look.

The great thing about using the vintage retro lamps that your parents loved is that the burnt orange lamp shades or the avocado ceramic lamp stand is now cool again because, well because it's retro.

An important part of putting together a retro room is adding furnishings that follow the retro style. Picking out a fun and funky retro lamp should be enjoyed. Visit Retro Lamps Galore to help put that new retro-style room together.

Home Building Concrete Epoxies

When concrete epoxies first came out I was working on a church remodeling the sanctuary. We were building a set of stairs that was two steps in height and 75 feet long. The steps were going to get a hardwood covering along with the rest of the sanctuary flooring.

I had used redheads in the past and noticed that over time these redheads would loosen up. I could never figure out what caused the redheads to do this. Was it the concrete that was expanding and contracting or was it the steel redheads contracting and expanding.

Either way I can never figure out what was up with the redheads. Another name for a redhead would be an anchor bolt. Red Hed is actually the company's name that makes the anchor bolt used to fasten materials to concrete or masonry surfaces.

Finding out that Simpson building products had made any new epoxy and all it required was drilling a hole 1/16 of an inch larger than the all thread you were going to use . After drilling a hole you would clean it with a plastic brittle brush. This brittle brush was pretty strong but it was not made from metal like I have thought. I was thinking it would have been a nice metal wire brush.

After drilling and cleaning the hole you would insert the proper amount of the epoxy into the hole you had drilled out with a masonry bit. As you slid the cut to size all thread bolt into the hole the epoxy would ooze out of the whole. This would tell you there was enough epoxy in the hole.

After that I cleaned the leftover epoxy off of the wood that I had inserted the all thread into to remove the extra epoxy that had oozed out. I waited 24 hours and the next day came to work with my electric impact wrench and wanted to put this epoxy to the ultimate test.

I put the washer and nut on the all thread and started to torque the heck out of it. As I was tightening the nuts and washer it started to work its way into the wood.

I was simply amazed after 24 hours the epoxy had held that good.

That was then and today Simpson epoxy requires drilling a hole an eighth of an inch oversize and filling it with epoxy. I still can't believe and to this day am a firm believer in concrete epoxies.

Read the instructions, clean out the holes properly with the recommended brush, insert the proper amount of epoxy, and rotate the all thread slowly into the hole as the epoxy starts to ooze out of it. Do not touch or move the bolt for the next 24 hours.

Concrete epoxies are here to stay and will keep improving as time goes on.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as

well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on a great Building and Remodeling Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Visit us and get more information on building and remodeling your homes in San Marcos Remodeling

Article Writing 101: 7 Tips To On-Line Research For Your Articles, White Papers And Business Books

As we continue to live in an ever fast paced world and information and research seems to date quicker than ever, it's not surprising that we turn to the ease of the Internet search engines to provide us with relevant content to quote in blog posts, articles, proposals and even in books that we write.

However, when referencing sources in our writing, we need to make sure that the references we quote from can be trusted. This is especially true when quoting other peoples articles and referencing them in our own blog posts, articles, white papers or other writing.

Take for example the"expert" in their field who was profiled in a highly respected on-line newsletter in which they write a column.

The subject of the article was about whether to write UK English or US English when writing white papers for lead generation.

In the article they gave examples of words spelled in US English and UK English - the only problem was that the spellings in UK English were incorrect and incomplete.

So what was the impact of this?

Well, as a result, their personal brand and reputation as an expert was left tarnished. They were being positioned as an expert in the publication, but as their facts were incorrect, anyone reading the article who knew the difference between the UK and US spellings and examples of grammar quoted would immediately discredit the article. In other words, the "expert" was not going to be seen as being credible.

So how can we prevent this happening to us?

Here are seven easy tips to apply when researching on-line for your articles, white papers and business books:

  1. If you are going to use on-line sources for information, make sure that the resource is trusted and has accurate and relevant content
  2. Check your on-line source out against other points of reference - both on-line or off-line
  3. If you are going to make a definitive statement make sure hat you are happy to stand by it in terms of it's accuracy if questioned
  4. If you are expressing your opinion alongside the research based on your experience and expertise rather then be transparent
  5. If you have some questions about the source, check back for clarification with the person who was the originator
  6. Make sure that you have a link back to the source of the research in your writing, whether that be on-line or offline so that it is easy for you or others to refer to for clarification
  7. And of course, if you are in any doubt about the accuracy of the research, don't use that source material.
Follow these seven steps when quoting information from on-line sources and you will be sure to keep your reputation and personal brand in your writing as the expert in your field in tact.

Do you want to learn more about this and similar strategies? Then join me for my no-cost branding and business development teleseminars.

Register today at:

Want to get started immediately? Then visit for immediate access to free resources, articles and audio turorials and bring your corporate brand, employer brand and personal brand to life today!

Copyright 2007 Krishna De. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long the article is printed in its entirety, you leave all of the links active, do not edit the article in any way and include the copyright statement.

About the author: Krishna De is considered to be one of Europes leading branding, business blogging, corporate podcasting marketing and media experts. You will find Krishna building her brand online at where you can also access her content rich branding and business development ezine, bringing you strategies, inspiration and tips to attract more clients in less time with less stress.

Broken Electrical Outlet Cover

Why Does Wood Crack When it Dries?

Differential Shrinkage - To get right to the point, wood cracks due to differential shrinkage! Differential shrinkage occurs because the outer fibers in the shell dry first and begin to shrink. However, the core has not yet begun to dry and shrink, and consequently the shell is restrained from shrinking by the core. Thus the shell goes into tension and the core into compression. With the stresses from the shell and core pulling in opposite directions the wood fibers break and a crack forms. The larger the wood member, the more stress is exerted to the wood member. Examples Lets take an example of a 1x8 board versus an 8x8 timber

  • The 1x8 board is only one-inch thick so it dries fairly quickly. The stress are minimal and just a few, small surface checks may result.
  • The much larger 8x8 (8-inches x 8-inches) timber takes a long time to dry which could be as much as six-months. The inside of the timber will stay wet for months while the outside is dried to well below 20-percent moisture content. The stress that is set up within the 8x8 will eventually result in a inch crack or larger on one face to the timber. This crack will go all the way to the center of the timber and usually be on one face only.

I have seen people cutting a round, lilly pad from the end of a log so that they can use it as a cutting board in the kitchen. It looks nice in the green, unseasoned state but after a few weeks it develops a large, pie crack in the piece. It is eventually discarded as unsightly. After throwing it away they wonder what happened to the wood that allowed this to happen.

This is just another reason why wood materials should be properly dried before using them in any mode other than for exterior use such as fence posts, landscape timbers or a rough fence. If they are being used where their final moisture content will be 15% or lower, they should be dried prior to milling and installed into their final end use. In this way the seasoning, stress cracks can be aligned in such a way that they are hidden or discarded. Preventing Cracks Proper drying techniques and PEG What can be done to prevent this seasoning degradation in wood? With large quantities of lumber, boards to timbers one can only resort to proper drying following the many details that make up the complete process. This can be done with either a kiln or by air drying but many details have to be followed to have the results desired. It is not the purpose of this short subject to outline what must be done to properly dry wood. This will be covered in another article.

For small, fairly expensive items such as carvings, another method can be used to prevent degradation due to seasoning checks and cracks. This is done using a chemical called polyethylene glycol-1000 or PEG for short. This material looks like a block of paraffin in the solid state but will dissolve in water. The correct method for using this material is to soak the newly carved piece of wood in water for a month or more depending on its size. After it is completely saturated with water it is placed in a solution of PEG and water. It is kept in this solution for several months for best results. The solution should be warm and can be kept this way with a fish bowl heater. After the carving is thoroughly saturated with PEG, it must be dried slowly in a cool environment and out of the sunlight. The result is a wood carving that will not shrink when it dries and thus will not crack.

The physical explanation for the above process is this: PEG can only be transmitted through the wood if the wood is thoroughly saturated with water. When the PEG enters the cells, it fills the cell walls and the cell lumen located in the center of the cell. When the wood is dried, it cannot shrink because the cell walls are now filled with a solid (PEG) and cannot shrink. If the wood cannot shrink, it cannot crack or split! As a final note, I used this method on a piece of sycamore that was buried in a clay pit for nearly 6,000 years. I had it made into a gun stock and after 30 years of use the gun stock looks like new without the slightest hair line crack in any surface of it.

For more information about replacing rotten logs, drying wood, chinking material, stain or log cabin kits contact Clyde at or call 719-547-2135. is a distributor of log home chinking, cabin caulking, log stains, wood finishes, knotty pine log cabin siding, replacement house logs & complete log home kits.

Self-Awareness - The 3 Keys to Achievement - Attitude, Action and Acknowledgment

"Learn to be happy with what you have while you pursue all that you want." ~Anonymous
Most people want to achieve success but it is important to be mindful that the definition of success may be different for each individual. In order to achieve what you want there are three important elements - attitude, actions and acknowledgments.


The first step is to assess your attitude and how it helps or hinders your achievements. If negative beliefs keep popping up, it generally results in an unproductive outcome. Negative thinking can consist of constant worry, "what if" scenarios or not trusting yourself to manage and cope. Constant negativity tends to block creativity. When you assume the worst it is hard to think and complete things. Have you ever had one of those days when doubt keeps cropping up. Eg. "I'll never complete this project on time." or " I don't think my boss believes I am capable." With these kinds of thoughts on your mind, how effective will you be in completing your work?

A positive attitude contributes to a belief that you have the ability to handle situations. It does not mean that you always have a "happy, nothing can bother me attitude", but rather when stuff happens you are able to deal with it. You want to make sure that you do not magnify the positive and minimize the negative and thereby don't see the reality of a situation. As you move up the career ladder you will need to be able to accurately assess both the positives and negatives and then make decisions.


Actions are your behaviors, the things you do which move you toward your goals. Taking action is an important step towards achievement. People sometimes assume that only big things count as taking action. However it is often the small, steady actions which contribute to you reaching your goals.

Inaction is paradoxically a form of action. If you have difficulty or avoid making decisions because you want to be sure you only do the "right" thing, you often end up doing nothing. You may also choose to do nothing because you have determined that it is the right decision at the time.

Sometimes fear may prevent you from doing or trying things that will lead you toward achievement. Perhaps you have a fear of public speaking, but you need to develop the skill in order to move your career or business forward. It would be important to begin to take small action steps, doing things that will make you more comfortable with speaking in public.

Maybe you have difficulty saying "no" which results in you constantly taking on additional assignments leading to being overwhelmed. Your action might be to begin saying "no" or a variation of "no." This might be something such as, "that would mean two projects to be completed at the same time, which would you like me to work on?" or "In order to do that I would have to delegate some of my other work. Is that OK with you?"


Paying attention to what you have completed or accomplished and expressing gratitude for what you have and towards others are powerful strategies for moving you forward in your life.

There may be people you know who have difficulty accepting a compliment. They might either ignore or minimize it. This generally relates to someone's self image. If you do not consider yourself "worthy" of positives then you tend to discard them. This may be a remnant from childhood when perhaps you received a lot of criticism. It is important to remember when you disregard positive feedback, you are conveying a message of disrespect towards the person who is offering it.

Acknowledging and expressing appreciations is also important. Walking down the street and saying hello to people, holding a door open or saying thank you are small ways of acknowledging others. When you do things for others or have them done for you, how does it impact your mood?

Evaluate your definition of success. The three components of achieving the life you desire are your attitude, your actions and acknowledgments. Perhaps now is a good time to become more aware of how you use these qualities in your daily life.

Copyright 2008, Gail Solish. All rights reserved.

Visit for more tips and information on communication skills and developing positive business and personal relationships. You can also subscribe to the monthly newsletter, Actualize Your Goals.

Write More Articles

Well, I am not suggesting anything out of the ordinary. I am not even suggesting to engage your friends or your spouse to do the work for you. Article writing is something which needs to be enjoyed thoroughly well.

Article writing by the bulk and the secret of maintaining quality

Notice the mistake professional articles authors make. They write a lot of them every often and get tired for the next day. Herein lies the secret of writing more. It stands for writing more every day.

Let me tell the simple steps you need to adopt successfully.

  • Make a list of 50 keywords on which you are going to write articles in the next 5-6 days
  • This doesn't mean that your keywords should be 50 different & unconnected topics
  • For better results, you can have 10 keyword variants of 5 main words or vice versa
  • Write on two or three of them in one stretch so that the research doesn't go waste unless you derived maximum out of it
  • Make sure you write in stretches of 3-4 hours and produce at least 4 articles of 2 main keywords(for word counts of 350-400)
  • Repeat the above 3 times every day with judicious breaks in between. This need not be truncated or curtailed breaks. The lengths of each can be mathematically equal to 1/2 hour but can be flexible as per the need of the hour
  • Make a time table for completion and go on coloring cells against each topic or keyword variant with column for dates
  • There are no hard and fast rules that you have to write articles in a sequence too. You can choose topics randomly from your list
  • Number of columns equal the number of days you take to finish. As you go on coloring the columns cell by cell, you feel not tired but enthused more and more. Keep different colors for different date columns.

Alternately, if you are ghost writing for others, you can still implement the same but you can switch between the buyers if you need to do so in order to break the monotony.

This technique beats the monotonous routine, too as you would be writing on different topics each hour. Alternating the topics repeatedly helps in with fast finish to the subsequent article.

To your article earning endeavors

Alevoor Rajagopal, MBA, advises on issues that concern small businesses. Fine tuning common but pesky issues to improve efficiency and ROI is what he specializes and writes at online earning. Checkout his free article marketing advices here.

Door Fill In With Damage

Did Jesus Pray to God - Christianity

When Jesus was a little boy, did he know that he was God? He was obviously Jewish and we can't argue with that, but did he pray to God when he was little or even when he was older. Do you think Jesus's mom had him pray even though she knew that he was God, the creator of everything. Did Mary pray to Jesus when he was a baby? It was obviously established very early in his life that he was a king or someone special to his parents.

I can of course based this on the visit from the wise man or the three Kings from the east. Why these people never came back to visit or find out what happened to Jesus is another story.

I want you as a Christian to put yourself in my shoes for a moment and try to visualize the statement that I am about to make. If Jesus is God, what good would it do for him to pray to himself. I know, it probably makes sense to most Christians and they can probably make sense out of it but for a moment, just think about it. Stop reading and reread the first sentence in the paragraph.

If Jesus wasn't God, it would make sense to see him praying or even read about him praying in the Bible. It wouldn't however make a lot of sense for him to pray to himself. Maybe he was trying to create an illusion for his followers and was just going through the motions or pretending like he was praying so that they wouldn't feel out of place. I don't really know and am only guessing why there are so many pictures of him praying in churches all over the world.

If there truly is a Trinity and this consists of the Holy Spirit, God and Jesus, do they pray to each other? Does the Holy Spirit pray to Jesus or when Jesus is on earth he prays to the Holy Spirit or God. I don't want to start confusing anyone but I would like you to think about this when you're reading the Bible, was Jesus praying to God and if so why.

A little bit of thinking can go a long way and often change someone's point of view.

If you want to read something funny and get your daily laugh in, you need to read this, it's funny Using Religion Responsibility. It's based on overindulgence.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development.

Would you still be reading this article, if you had no desire, for better life. Find out more by visiting changing life skills.

How to Achieve Financial Freedom With a Powerful Goal

Some of the most popular search terms on Google are about money and how to get it, often in a short amount of time. At some point in most of our lives we need or want more of it. But if financial freedom is our goal, just how do we make this work for us? How do we motivate ourselves to have the money that we want?

Most coaches and self-help books will teach you that goals need to be specific, measurable, realistic and time-based. This seems easy when it comes to money; we just state exactly how much we want (for example, a yearly or monthly income), how we're going to achieve it and by when we want to have it.

But just how powerful is the goal of a specific income? Is the achievement of money a goal in itself, or is there a more powerful goal we could use to pull ourselves forwards to financial freedom?

A large number of people searching on Google use the term, "I want money". There's nothing wrong with that, but when people start saying "All I want is money", I get a little dubious.

I don't know about you, but the idea of acquiring large amounts of pieces of coloured paper, or black figures on a bank statement does not really inspire me. Not as an ultimate goal.

What we tend to forget is that money itself is not the true motivator. When we say we want money, we are really saying that we want the things that money can buy. What those things are is a matter of personal choice. For some it might be material things such as a new car, a big country house or a yacht. For others it might be the ability to send their kids to university, or take four holidays a year, and for some it might just having a sense of security or freedom, or being able to contribute to charity. Or it might be a mixture of all of these.

These things are far more motivating to us than just having the tool to acquire them. After all, when a builder builds a house, does he only set his mind on acquiring trowels and hammers and all the other tools that are needed, or does he visualise the building that those tools will build? The answer to that is a no-brainer, yet many of us seem to do this when it comes to money.

Money is, in fact, no more than a tool. The builder needs his tools in order to build his house, but acquiring them is just a step in the process. Furthermore, if he only thought of how he was going to acquire the tools, I doubt he would ever be motivated to build a beautiful house.

In order to create the inspiration and motivation that will give us the key to getting the tools (i.e. money), we need to make our goal the thing that those tools will build for us.

Think about the joy and sense of achievement you will feel when you turn the key in the door of your new home, or when you see the delight on your children's faces when you take them to Disneyland, or the sense of freedom when you have a lifestyle where you no longer have to worry about meeting the monthly bills.

These are the goals that will get you out of bed every morning and get you taking the steps to make the money that will bring them to you.

You will, of course, need to be aware of how much money you will need in order to create these goals, but your money goal is now part of your action plan: a stepping stone on the way to your ultimate goal. When you visualise your goal, you will be visualising something real and personal: your house, your family's happiness, your own daily lifestyle in detail, in colour and with all the feelings that go with it.

It is far easier to visualise your goal when it is personal, than it is to visualise an income level. Your goal is now far more meaningful to you, and will set you on course for achieving financial freedom.

Instead of merely chasing money, you are now on a path to the life of your dreams.

Ros is a career life coach and writer, and runs her own online business.

Ros's coaching site is at Career and Home Business Coaching

Find business opportunities at her website at Financial Freedom Online

Article Writing 101: 7 Tips To On-Line Research For Your Articles, White Papers And Business Books

As we continue to live in an ever fast paced world and information and research seems to date quicker than ever, it's not surprising that we turn to the ease of the Internet search engines to provide us with relevant content to quote in blog posts, articles, proposals and even in books that we write.

However, when referencing sources in our writing, we need to make sure that the references we quote from can be trusted. This is especially true when quoting other peoples articles and referencing them in our own blog posts, articles, white papers or other writing.

Take for example the"expert" in their field who was profiled in a highly respected on-line newsletter in which they write a column.

The subject of the article was about whether to write UK English or US English when writing white papers for lead generation.

In the article they gave examples of words spelled in US English and UK English - the only problem was that the spellings in UK English were incorrect and incomplete.

So what was the impact of this?

Well, as a result, their personal brand and reputation as an expert was left tarnished. They were being positioned as an expert in the publication, but as their facts were incorrect, anyone reading the article who knew the difference between the UK and US spellings and examples of grammar quoted would immediately discredit the article. In other words, the "expert" was not going to be seen as being credible.

So how can we prevent this happening to us?

Here are seven easy tips to apply when researching on-line for your articles, white papers and business books:

  1. If you are going to use on-line sources for information, make sure that the resource is trusted and has accurate and relevant content
  2. Check your on-line source out against other points of reference - both on-line or off-line
  3. If you are going to make a definitive statement make sure hat you are happy to stand by it in terms of it's accuracy if questioned
  4. If you are expressing your opinion alongside the research based on your experience and expertise rather then be transparent
  5. If you have some questions about the source, check back for clarification with the person who was the originator
  6. Make sure that you have a link back to the source of the research in your writing, whether that be on-line or offline so that it is easy for you or others to refer to for clarification
  7. And of course, if you are in any doubt about the accuracy of the research, don't use that source material.
Follow these seven steps when quoting information from on-line sources and you will be sure to keep your reputation and personal brand in your writing as the expert in your field in tact.

Do you want to learn more about this and similar strategies? Then join me for my no-cost branding and business development teleseminars.

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Want to get started immediately? Then visit for immediate access to free resources, articles and audio turorials and bring your corporate brand, employer brand and personal brand to life today!

Copyright 2007 Krishna De. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long the article is printed in its entirety, you leave all of the links active, do not edit the article in any way and include the copyright statement.

About the author: Krishna De is considered to be one of Europes leading branding, business blogging, corporate podcasting marketing and media experts. You will find Krishna building her brand online at where you can also access her content rich branding and business development ezine, bringing you strategies, inspiration and tips to attract more clients in less time with less stress.

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Ways to Make Money Fast - Don't Fall Into the Following Trap

You know, it really is not a surprise that everyone seems to be looking for ways to make money right now. People left and right are scrambling to find new jobs after their old jobs simply disappeared, others are seeing their hours reduced while their bills seem to be getting even higher each month.

As a result, many people are thrown into a panic and end up making some bad choices in the search for extra money. There are lots of great ways to make good money quickly, easily, and safely. Unfortunately, panic seems to cloud better judgment sometimes and people find themselves in a bind.

Perhaps the worst thing you could do in a time of financial crisis is to ask your friends or your family for a loan. You might be wondering how this could possibly be a bad thing, but you may be surprised to learn just how many stable friendships can be destroyed after lending or borrowing money. Often times this is because people tend to try and bend the rules when they borrow from friends or family.

They might be late on the payments or not pay it back at all, thinking that the other party will just forgive them. However, money is always a sensitive subject for most people, and emotions can run high. If you must borrow from friends or family, then you would be wise to draw up a contract for all terms of the loan and the payback. Understand that if you do not keep your end of the deal, the other party has every right to seek legal action against you.

If you need money now, like I mean in the next hour, try what I did. I am making more money now than in my old business and you can too, read the amazing, true story, in the link below. When I joined I was skeptical for just ten seconds before I realized what this was. I was smiling from ear to ear and you will too.

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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Hiring a Contractor For Bathroom Remodeling - Remodeling Contractors

Well here's the age old question, how do we go about finding a decent bathroom remodeling contractor.

Here's some things you will be looking for in a contractor.

1. Is Your Contractor Fair and Honest?

2. Does Your Contractor Have Experience Remodeling and Designing Bathrooms?

3. Can You Actually Find a Contractor Who Will Complete the Job in a Timely Manner?

4. Do You Think the Workers Will Be Able to Clean the Job up Daily?

5. Will the Contractor Show up on Time?

6. Is the Contractor Going to Work At Least Eight Hours a Day?

7. Does the Contractor's Crew Have Experience?

8. Is Your Contractor and His Crew Courteous?

If you find a contractor for your bathroom remodeling project that has answered yes to all questions above, hire that person immediately. Most contractors can sincerely answer yes to half of the questions above. If you're looking for the ultimate bathroom remodeling contractor, you could be searching for quite a while, you're looking for some one that is competent and you feel comfortable with.

When hiring a contractor, look for someone who has your interest in mind first and not theirs. Find someone who is willing to help with the designed process of your bathroom and the remodeling. If you find a contractor to be arrogant or controlling, there is a good chance, your bathroom might not turn out the way you envision it.

When hiring a contractor for your bathroom remodeling project or any home improvement project, the most important thing to keep in mind is, whether or not you feel comfortable with this person or not. Never hire a contractor you're not comfortable with.

If a contractor is referred to you by someone you trust, this does not guarantee you will be happy with the bathroom remodel. Most referrals that I have gotten over the years are like rolling the dice, I believe I would have done just as good picking a name out of a hat.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Bathroom Remodelling - A Few Short Tips

Everybody would prefer to complete their bathroom remodelling on the quick. Replace the Vanity and Medicine Cabinet, toilet, bathtub, and wash basin and hey presto. If only it were that simple. Bathroom Remodelling does not have to be hard however; if you know what you are trying to achieve before you start then half of the battle is won already. Any bathroom renovation can be a pleasurable and demanding task that can take your benchmark bathroom and change it into a room that is relaxing, and has your personal moniker on it. These days, home personalization is a very significant part when it comes to successful interior decorating.

When it comes to the bathroom, there are several different renovations that can be performed. If you ever had the ambition of finding out as much as possible when it comes to bathroom renovations, talk to the experts at bathroom retailers and DIY specialists they don't bite honest!

Knowing how to replace a bathroom floor can be difficult. Replacing the floor from the outset will help you give it a probably much needed facelift by first removing and then installing a new floor. It will make you bathroom look so different right from the offset. Then comes the replacements of the bathroom suite, shower, WC, tiles and last of all ceiling paint and lighting. Many tradesmen will tell you to work from the bottom upwards in bathrooms. But think about it logically. It doesn't really matter. The most important thing is getting the suites and bathroom faculties plumbed in before the floor, wall tiles, lighting and paint is applied.

For more information on finding suitable bathroom items visit Bathrooms Cheaper

Lee Tyrrell of Bathrooms Cheaper

Article Writing For Profit - 4 Sure Ways to Explode Your Article Writing

Article writing doesn't have to be difficult. It's not like a composition that you had to write in the sixth grade - nobody really cared about how you spent your summer. But people do care when they read your articles because they want to learn information or solve a problem.

Here are 4 tips to explode your article writing:

  • Show That You're Really a Person. Speak to your readers just like you would speak to your friends, not like some computer data base spitting out dull information. Place an email address in your article where they can contact you with comments or questions. And, make sure you answer their email questions! How many times have you sent an email to a company for information, e.g. about a certain product, and never received a reply. I'll bet you never did business with them again and probably even ignored any of their ads thereafter.
  • Impress your readers. Show your readers that you really know your stuff! But, don't put any fluff in your article -- it's up to you to demonstrate to your readers that your article solve their problem. Give them good, relevant information about your subject - hopefully something that they can't get anywhere else.
  • Keep Your Article Short. In this fast paced world, most people don't have the time to completely read your article at first glance. They usually will look at the title and probably the first paragraph and scan the rest with their eyes. Try to avoid highly technical terms as it makes your article harder to read and the last thing you want to do is bore your reader. If it passes this test, your article might be completely read on the spot or at least printed out or saved in a computer file to be read at a more convenient time.
  • Promote further reading. If your reader has completely read your article and agrees that you know what you're talking about, it's time to get them to continue reading your articles. At the end of your article, be sure to place a link to another relevant article written by you or place a link directly pointing to your website for even more information about the topic.

Writing articles can be an inexpensive, yet lucrative portion of monetizing your website. For more information about article writing, I just completed a new ebook

Download it free here:

Sharon Zolna and Larry Zolna are authors of numerous articles as well as instructors of website creation for an online business and other related fields. Please visit our website at: and sign up for frequent tips on creating your own online business website.

Wood Beam Repairs

Our Beliefs and How They Stop Us From Success

Beliefs are constructs of our internal world and how we view them. They are based on what we have experienced and what we perceive to be true. We all behave as if our beliefs were true and that is what gives us direction. If you 100% believe that you will create a successful business or wealth, without any doubt in yourself, your ability or any other factors, then you will behave as if it were true. When you behave as if it were true, then every decision you make, path you take and conversation you have is all geared around that one thing. You in fact MAKE it happen. You will also see things and interpret events, people and actions based on your beliefs. For instance, if you believe your neighbor is a thief based on what Mrs Smith told you at number 23 down the street, you will behave with that person in a way based on that belief. So, your interaction with that person is likely to be guarded and therefore precipitate a response which is guarded from that neighbor based on your behavior towards them. So, due to the fact you now have confirmed they are "shifty" you in fact are creating your own reality. However, Mrs Smith got her facts wrong and the neighbor is really a Nobel Peace Prize winner for charitable acts but you have just confirmed to yourself that they are a thief.

Think about it - if you believe you are not capable - then you will behave and make decisions based on that fact. So, if you deal with those negative beliefs about yourself, think what a difference that will make to your capabilities and results? AND what are those beliefs that you are capable based on? A one time event which started a repeated behavior? A repeated belief? So, if your reality is subjective, then if you think you are not capable is that in fact reliable, or would you like to change it to something else? With our beliefs and our reality we view the world as if everything we are seeing is the truth is real and that anything outside of that must either no be real or we disbelieve it. Everyone lives within boundaries of some description - whether they are enforced by society, our environment, what we have experienced or the influence of others. We also make judgments about others based on those boundaries and make judgments which ultimately revolve around our own experience so if we come across something we are not familiar with, we can automatically disbelieve it or possibly treat it as a threat until we understand it or in fact dismiss it completely without consideration. The problem with this is that we limit ourselves to the possibilities of growth and the ability to develop and progress and learn. Can you change your beliefs today and allow yourself to achieve everything you know you can? Make your reality today.

The director of Emma James Training Ltd is Emma James (amazingly!) who is a trainer of NLP, Hypnosis and Master TLT but also a Master Practitioner in all three therapies. Originally from Northern Ireland she has the drive and passion to constantly prove that NLP works, not only in her sport and coaching of others, but in therapy at her clinic and also in business application, taking people to levels they didn't think were possible.