Sunday, September 6, 2009

Article Writing - You Can't "Do It" in 15 Minutes

Did someone tell you that articles could be written in 15 minutes? Don't believe it! Writing, even the simple act of letter writing, involves your personality, intelligence, and commitment. Most of us don't have the capacity to deliver the goods article writing demands in 8 to 15 minutes.

My laptop's "Start" menu points me to the "No Nonsense Article Creator". Kim Haas' software sets a pattern of progressive and simple steps that could produce an article in 15 minutes. To finish that quickly, you have to think and work pretty fast. I'm sure someone bangs out 4 articles an hour, but I've never succeeded. I outlined this article using "No Nonsense Article Creator". My 15 minutes of article fame passed an hour before writing this sentence.

During a teleconference, I heard an Internet marketer, whom I respect say, "Just write the article; don't worry about grammar or length. Just write it." I say, write it right or not at all. Every word reveals you, your ability, and your commitment to your article topic. If you believe this fact, then your effort is worth more than 15 minutes. If 15 minutes of article writing takes too long, Article Marketer offers an 8 minute article software. That strikes me as odd since Article Marketing holds authors to high levels of content, grammar, and spelling standards. Article Marketer's "Article Writer" will show you how to write the most popular type of article: lists. You will also learn how to write your article so that it is correctly formatted, and your articles submissions will be a snap!" Sometimes we can "do it" in 15 minutes, but most of the time you shouldn't.

I use the "No Nonsense Article Writer" to capture article ideas. At this time, I have 40 articles with titles and basic outlines to finish. Using the software helps organize my articles, then I copy them to PSPad Editor. Whitesmoke can help you write better too.

Article writing requires an idea, thought sequence, research, proof, and justification for any recommended action steps. If you can do all that in 15 minutes, I am impressed. Here's what I think article writing requires. Admittedly, the "No Nonsense Article Creator" and "Article Writer" will get you started.

You can write about any topic. You're not bound to your highest level of expertise. If you want to become an authority on a specific subject, then write only about that subject. A primary rudiment for writers is to "write what you know".

1. Write a quick outline in your notebook (always carry a notebook to capture ideas). Let your thoughts stream. Don't edit a word, and don't stop to reread. Just write.

2. Now read to create an outline or flow to your thoughts. Circle key words that prompt paragraphs.

3. Keep your paragraphs brief and your sentences short. Yesterday, I read a 74 word sentence written by a Town official. Strunk and Wagnall's Elements of Style recommends 7 word sentences.

4. Don't Write Like You Talk. Talk Like You Write.

5. Quote authorities or interview one.

6. Edit...Edit...Edit - I don't think any step matters more than editing. Sometimes we have to set an article free before multiple edits. If you can hold back submitting your article for a few days, you'll see many ways to rewrite, but at some point you'll have to set that article free.

John Updike died Tuesday, January 27, 2009. Updike wrote "essays, reviews, short stories, poetry and memoirs," according to CNN. In genre and subject, Updike's writing made the simplest idea poetic. There's not a wit of a chance he used a software program to write a book. During an interview with The Academy of Achievement , Updike tells writers ".. to develop actual work habits, and even though you have a busy life, try to reserve an hour say -- or more -- a day to write. Some very good things have been written on an hour a day...So, take it seriously...." Should a simple Internet how-to article aspire to Updike-like standards? Maybe if on line writers wrote fewer articles, and worked on them diligently, more articles would be worth reading. Of course, that advice goes for me too.

Echievements Writer's Community is the online article directory for publishers and authors. Articles answer questions with "how to" instructions. Echievements supports and encourages online publishing and article syndication for websites, ezines, and authors. The Echievements Writer's Bin is Ray Randall's "all about writing" blog. Need writing help? Use the Echievements contact page to submit your request.

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