Saturday, September 5, 2009

Article Writing Tips - The Ultimate Goal In Your Article Is To Get Them Clicking On Your Resource Bo

If you think about it, the whole purpose your article is to get the readers to click on the link below the article and get to your site. Think of it as a pre-sell. If you've successfully built the credibility and make them want to know more, they will click.

The resource box or author bio is the place where you can put a bit of ads about yourself or your web site. It is usually the only place where you can promote. Article directories usually frown upon selling in the article body.

To repeat, start with quality content, satisfy what the readers want to know. If you can offer valuable information in one article, they certainly want to hear more from you.

There is certainly more than one way to write a resource box. A good way to start is by including your name and elevator pitch. This is a sentence or two about yourself that tells others about what you do or what you offer.

This is immediately followed by your call to action. The resource box is where you want to offer them something they can't refuse, so they click through to your web site. I find it best if you don't hard sell your product in the resource box, yet.

Building credibility is one thing, but you don't want to look like you are pretentious. Don't rush the sale. People hate to be sold but they love to buy. Offer them enough information and they are more likely to buy.

To use that philosophy, create a landing page and offer them to subscribe to your e-newsletter. Offer them ecourse or special report for downloads, only if they subscribe. Sell the free subscription just like your product.

Finally, limit the call to action to one thing per article. Remember, when people are confuse, they don't take action.

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